Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We played with the parachute today in the gym.

Willow Room: MWF

We read the story "A fish out of water" by Helen Palmer

We asked the children who has the letter "W" in their name?

We finger painted using blue paint today. We will finish the project on Friday, by adding stickers that look like sea creatures to make an ocean picture.

We had markers at the easel.

We did a counting down rhyme today called 5 green and speckled frogs. Each of the children had their own log, frogs, and pool of water for the frogs to jump into. As each frog jumps into the pond, we count down how many are left.

We had a fish letter matching game out , some fish puzzles, and some number puzzles with sea creatures on them. when you put the puzzle int he correct order, the picture appears.

Maple Room:

We read "The best nest" by PD Eastman

We strung Cheerios onto yarn to make bird feeders.

We painted at the easel with feathers, string and sticks.

We did a letter recognition game, we had all kind of green things in the sensory table to look like tall grass, then we added some plastic bugs so they could go hunting through the tall grass.

All about bird's nests. We looked at a real bird's nest.

We sang The May song, 5 little flowers, 5 spring flowers.

Oak Room:

We read "Planting a rainbow" by Lois Elhert

We talked about rainbows and what makes a rainbow happen?

We made our own rainbows by putting some paint on paper, then pressing the paint down with a plastic paint to mix the colors. We will make rainbows out of them.

We did the Pirate song, chicken dance, Head shoulder knees and toes, 5 little flowers, and pass the carrot.

We also read "A rainbow of my own" by Don Freeman.

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