Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Camp- Day 11- a cool sunny day

Wow, our weather has been up and down so much; one day Hot and then next cool. We didn't do any water play today, since it was cool outside, but at least it was sunny. We brought out several new activities for the children to enjoy.

We brought out a tunnel to climb through, and the soccer nets with some balls. Later in the morning we also brought out the parachute which we used for several activities like running under it, sitting on top of it while we waved it up and down. We also bounced balls high in the air from the parachute.

We did a painting activity with pringles cans and little bumpy balls. You put the paper in the can, add a ball dipped in paint and shake shake shake! We painted glue onto paper and sprinkled colored sand to make pretty designs.

We had windy weather so we also used a bubble machine to make bubbles for the children to chase around the playground.

I love to hear the excited squeals of laughter and joyous screaming when the children are having fun outside!

We had a great day today.

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