Willow Room- MWF class
"Whoosh went the wind" by Sally Derby was out story today.
We glued fun foam shapes onto our special surprise we made for our moms, we will give them to our at our Mother's Day party next week. The children worked so hard on them.
We had long rollers with patterns on them to paint turtle shapes at the easel.
We worked on a list of words that start with the letter U and we made our alphabet word picture chart.
We did a science project about clouds. We fit 14 cotton balls into a cup of water and they absorbs all of the water. Then when we lifted them up, the water could be squeezed out of the cotton balls. It is like the clouds absorbing the water in the atmosphere and when they get all filled up, the water comes out of them as rain.
Oak Room- Pre- K class
We read "Waiting for wings" by Lois Ehlert
and we read "Harry and the lady next door" by Gene Zion
We worked on pages for our Math books, today was 1-1 correspondence. This is the understanding that a number corresponds to "how many" so if we say there are 4 - it is because there are four of something. Today they had a paper filled with squares and they put a dab of paint into each square as they counted it. After they did it, they made dot pictures using the dab a dot painters.
At the easel we painted on foil.
We did an opposites match activity and we also did an estimating activity.
Maple Room: MWF class
We had our "camping day" today. The children came to school dressed in clothes for camping fun. We had a tent set up, a pretend camp fire, "grass" and bugs in the sensory table. BBQ and camping supplies in the dramatic corner. We had lanterns, flashlights, etc. We had the lights off in the room and only the light from the windows. We all sat around our pretend camp fire to listen to the story. "Good Night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" and we read "Sam and the fire fly".
For art, we made "jars of fire flies" by making black thumb prints on the paper and drawing on wings. Then we spread glue inside the wings and sprinkled gold glitter on the paper to stick to the glue. We had green grass paper and bug stampers at the easel. We went outside and went on a bug hunt. We had the plastic pool set up with magnetic fish and fishing poles.
Stay and Play:
We read "Ten Eggs in a nest" by Marilyn Sadler
We dipped cookie cutter shapes in paint and pressed them onto paper. Then we painted the middle of the design with glitter paint.
We did a songs from a sing a long song bank. and we did The little fish action song.
Links to information about Trinity Preschool
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, April 25, 2014,
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "The grouchy ladybug" by Eric Carle
We painted lady bugs at the art table for our bulletin board. The children painted the bottom of a paper bowl red, and then used corks dipped in black paint ot add the lady bugs black spots.
At the easel we had lady bug shapes with dab a doo markers.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did letter X activities, lady bug fly away from home and we did a 5 lady bugs rhyme.
Willow Room- MWF class
We read "Bob and Otto" today. Our butterflies came out of their chrysalis this weekend.
We are learning about the letter U and today we asked the children "Do you have the letter U in your name?"
We did a process art project today using crumpled up aluminum foil and dipping it in paint, then pressing it onto wax paper. We used bright spring colors on this dreary rainy day.
We used oil pastels at the easel to draw, then we used water colors to paint over our picture. The oil pastels resist the paint.
We did "butterfly, butterfly " turn around rhyme for music, and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did some action movement songs since it was rainy out and the gym room is closed this week because of the rummage sale.
We looked at objects that start with the letter U and we talked about the sounds the letter makes.
We put a sunflower seed and a lima been seed on a paper towel that had been soaked in water. Then we put them in a plastic baggie and hung it on our window. We will watch what happens.
Oak Room: Pre k class
We read "The very hungry caterpillar" by Eric Carle and we read "Houdini the amazing caterpillar" by Janet Pedersen.
We painted with prickle rings on a butterfly shape, but only on one side. Then we folded the paper over and pressed it down so we ended up with a symmetrical picture. We talked about how the butterfly wings are always symmetrical.
We did 5 green and speckled frogs and we practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did some hallway activities - we played "croquet" in the hall.
Stay and Play:
We read "Jacob O'reilly wants a pet" by Lynne Rickards
and we read "Emma Kate" by Patricia Polacco
We did a toilet paper, grated soap mud sensory activity for art today.
We played with balloons and paper plate paddles in the hall today. We tried to keep the balloons in the air and bounced them up and down on our paddles.
We read "The grouchy ladybug" by Eric Carle
We painted lady bugs at the art table for our bulletin board. The children painted the bottom of a paper bowl red, and then used corks dipped in black paint ot add the lady bugs black spots.
At the easel we had lady bug shapes with dab a doo markers.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did letter X activities, lady bug fly away from home and we did a 5 lady bugs rhyme.
Willow Room- MWF class
We read "Bob and Otto" today. Our butterflies came out of their chrysalis this weekend.
We are learning about the letter U and today we asked the children "Do you have the letter U in your name?"
We did a process art project today using crumpled up aluminum foil and dipping it in paint, then pressing it onto wax paper. We used bright spring colors on this dreary rainy day.
We used oil pastels at the easel to draw, then we used water colors to paint over our picture. The oil pastels resist the paint.
We did "butterfly, butterfly " turn around rhyme for music, and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did some action movement songs since it was rainy out and the gym room is closed this week because of the rummage sale.
We looked at objects that start with the letter U and we talked about the sounds the letter makes.
We put a sunflower seed and a lima been seed on a paper towel that had been soaked in water. Then we put them in a plastic baggie and hung it on our window. We will watch what happens.
Oak Room: Pre k class
We read "The very hungry caterpillar" by Eric Carle and we read "Houdini the amazing caterpillar" by Janet Pedersen.
We painted with prickle rings on a butterfly shape, but only on one side. Then we folded the paper over and pressed it down so we ended up with a symmetrical picture. We talked about how the butterfly wings are always symmetrical.
We did 5 green and speckled frogs and we practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did some hallway activities - we played "croquet" in the hall.
Stay and Play:
We read "Jacob O'reilly wants a pet" by Lynne Rickards
and we read "Emma Kate" by Patricia Polacco
We did a toilet paper, grated soap mud sensory activity for art today.
We played with balloons and paper plate paddles in the hall today. We tried to keep the balloons in the air and bounced them up and down on our paddles.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, April 25, 2014
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Mouse's first Spring" by Lauren Thompson and we read "Butterfly, Butterfly, a book of colors" by Peter Harocet
We painted with watercolors and eye droppers on coffee filters. We will turn them into a special butterfly!
At the easel we painted with dab a doo markers and butterfly shapes. We also had small bottles with foam lids and liquid water colors inside to dab at the paper to decorate it.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did a 5 little seeds rhyme
We made a chart of words we could think of that start with the letter T.
Oak Room- Pre- k class
We finished up our under the sea unit today. We read "Ocean babies" and "Memoirs of a gold fish" today.
We did a water color and salt process for art today. The children painted with water colors and then sprinkled salt on top of it. The water colors react to the salt and make a cool design. We will use the end product to make a special gift for our moms.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did a letter graph, the children picked a letter from a bag and sorted them into groups based on whether it had curved lines, or curved and straight lines, or straight lines only.
Maple Room:
We read "Butterfly, Butterfly" by Peter Horacek
We did a symmetry painting on folded paper. The children used eye droppers to drip paint on one half of the paper and then folded it over and pressed down. When they opened it up, the paint was the same on each side, and we talked about how that is "symmetrical" .
We had small pieces of paper at the easel with think brushes and paint. We try to give the children a variety of experiences by changing up the size of paper, the size of brushes, etc.
We did the April song and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did letter W activities and we played a letter sound game. The teacher said the sound a letter would make and the children guessed what letter it was.
Stay and Play:
The children painted the outside bottom of a muffin pan and turned it over onto paper and pressed it down. It looked like a row of flowers! Then they added green paint for stems and leaves and glued on bright color pom poms for the center of the flower.
We listened to "Clarke the shark" on a CD. We did lady bug rhymes using props and we did a sing a long story book for music time.
We read "Mouse's first Spring" by Lauren Thompson and we read "Butterfly, Butterfly, a book of colors" by Peter Harocet
We painted with watercolors and eye droppers on coffee filters. We will turn them into a special butterfly!
At the easel we painted with dab a doo markers and butterfly shapes. We also had small bottles with foam lids and liquid water colors inside to dab at the paper to decorate it.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did a 5 little seeds rhyme
We made a chart of words we could think of that start with the letter T.
Oak Room- Pre- k class
We finished up our under the sea unit today. We read "Ocean babies" and "Memoirs of a gold fish" today.
We did a water color and salt process for art today. The children painted with water colors and then sprinkled salt on top of it. The water colors react to the salt and make a cool design. We will use the end product to make a special gift for our moms.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did a letter graph, the children picked a letter from a bag and sorted them into groups based on whether it had curved lines, or curved and straight lines, or straight lines only.
Maple Room:
We read "Butterfly, Butterfly" by Peter Horacek
We did a symmetry painting on folded paper. The children used eye droppers to drip paint on one half of the paper and then folded it over and pressed down. When they opened it up, the paint was the same on each side, and we talked about how that is "symmetrical" .
We had small pieces of paper at the easel with think brushes and paint. We try to give the children a variety of experiences by changing up the size of paper, the size of brushes, etc.
We did the April song and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did letter W activities and we played a letter sound game. The teacher said the sound a letter would make and the children guessed what letter it was.
Stay and Play:
The children painted the outside bottom of a muffin pan and turned it over onto paper and pressed it down. It looked like a row of flowers! Then they added green paint for stems and leaves and glued on bright color pom poms for the center of the flower.
We listened to "Clarke the shark" on a CD. We did lady bug rhymes using props and we did a sing a long story book for music time.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
A look at a moment in time in the preschool classroom at Trinity Preschool
I post on the BLOG the special activities the teachers write on the tidbits, but it really doesn't give you a view of what a morning is really like. This will not really either, but will give you a snapshot of what was going on as I walked through each room during choice time.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
The children were busy at the art table working on a special project we will use for one of our songs on Mother's Day. There were 6 children at the table all dictating their title to the teacher and drawing a picture to go with their ideas. On the rug several children were playing with a flexible lego builder toy, you can make it curve and build all kinds of interesting things with it. In the sensory table, the children were using the sorting bowls and sorting the colorful and varied under the sea creatures. At the easel children were painting with foam paint brushes and bright colors of paint. On the activity table, the children were using magic writing boards to practice writing words and letters. And the children were enjoying the playdough and using cookie cutters, scissors and rolling pins with it. We have new road tracks that the children assembled into a track to use the cars on.
Maple Room: 4 year old classroom
The children are busy all over the room. The teacher read the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle today. At the magnet board, the children are putting pictures in order for the story. They added the days of the week at the top ( and went over to look at the class calendar to make sure they had them in the right order) and then they added the foods the caterpillar ate each day before becoming a butterfly. At the sensory table the children were playing with the new waterfall water toys, pouring water in and watching the different ways the water pours though it. At the activity table, the children were creating with legos. On the floor, several children were building with small waffle blocks. We didn't have play dough out today, instead on the play dough table the children were doing a stringing activity, also involving patterning. They had green colored rigatoni noodles and round red circles with a hole in the middle and the children were threading a noodle.and a circle, a noodle and a circle to make a caterpillar using a pattern. At the art table, the children were painting egg cartons green to turn into caterpillars. At the easel there were two children using corks to paint circles using colorful paint to look like a caterpillar and using a plastic fork dipped in green paint to make grass for the caterpillar to crawl through.
The Willow Room: 3 year old class
The children were enjoying the dramatic corner which is set up as a construction zone. They get to wear hard hats and construction vests as they use giant waffle blocks to build big creations.
Some children were with one of the teachers on the rug building a road track that battery operated cars will follow. They were using big roller paint brushes on paper the teachers had taped to the wall. At the art table, the children were painting with dish scrubber brushes. There was a group of children doing a rhyming activity. At the activity table, children were using dry erase boards to write letters, and they were using a letter building toy to create letters out of blocks. One child was checking out the new magnetic tile builders. The sensory table had dirt with rubber bands, plastic bugs and tweezers that children were using.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
The children were busy at the art table working on a special project we will use for one of our songs on Mother's Day. There were 6 children at the table all dictating their title to the teacher and drawing a picture to go with their ideas. On the rug several children were playing with a flexible lego builder toy, you can make it curve and build all kinds of interesting things with it. In the sensory table, the children were using the sorting bowls and sorting the colorful and varied under the sea creatures. At the easel children were painting with foam paint brushes and bright colors of paint. On the activity table, the children were using magic writing boards to practice writing words and letters. And the children were enjoying the playdough and using cookie cutters, scissors and rolling pins with it. We have new road tracks that the children assembled into a track to use the cars on.
The children are busy all over the room. The teacher read the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle today. At the magnet board, the children are putting pictures in order for the story. They added the days of the week at the top ( and went over to look at the class calendar to make sure they had them in the right order) and then they added the foods the caterpillar ate each day before becoming a butterfly. At the sensory table the children were playing with the new waterfall water toys, pouring water in and watching the different ways the water pours though it. At the activity table, the children were creating with legos. On the floor, several children were building with small waffle blocks. We didn't have play dough out today, instead on the play dough table the children were doing a stringing activity, also involving patterning. They had green colored rigatoni noodles and round red circles with a hole in the middle and the children were threading a noodle.and a circle, a noodle and a circle to make a caterpillar using a pattern. At the art table, the children were painting egg cartons green to turn into caterpillars. At the easel there were two children using corks to paint circles using colorful paint to look like a caterpillar and using a plastic fork dipped in green paint to make grass for the caterpillar to crawl through.
Children used corks dipped in paint to make the caterpillar and the fork dipped in paint to be grass |
Corks and Forks for making caterpillars |
Very Hungry Caterpillar Necklace with colored noodles, and circles so it also involved patterning. |
Putting the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle in order on the magnet board. |
The Willow Room: 3 year old class
The children were enjoying the dramatic corner which is set up as a construction zone. They get to wear hard hats and construction vests as they use giant waffle blocks to build big creations.
Some children were with one of the teachers on the rug building a road track that battery operated cars will follow. They were using big roller paint brushes on paper the teachers had taped to the wall. At the art table, the children were painting with dish scrubber brushes. There was a group of children doing a rhyming activity. At the activity table, children were using dry erase boards to write letters, and they were using a letter building toy to create letters out of blocks. One child was checking out the new magnetic tile builders. The sensory table had dirt with rubber bands, plastic bugs and tweezers that children were using.
Pot scrubbers with part scrunched up and rubber banded to make them easier to hold. We use them for painting. |
There are pieces the children can use to put on top of the letters to create them. |
Dirt with cut up rubber bands ( worms) and plastic bugs to explore with tweezers |
Willow Room construction zone |
Willow room construction zone- notice the construction vests. They have hard hats too. |
classroom activities,
very hungry caterpillar,
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, April 24, 2014
Oak RoomPre- K class
We had our "Beach Day" today to end our unit on Under the sea.
The children came to school dressed in fun summer clothes and brought their beach towels to sit on.
We read "Harry by the sea" by Gene Zion
We played a "guess what is in the beach bag" game.
For art, we brought out stencils and the children used a paint brush to paint glue inside the stencil shape. Then they removed the stencil shape and sprinkled colored sand on the paper. It only stuck to the glue and made the design show up.
At the easel we had sand castle shape paper and paint with sand in it to use to paint the sand castle.
We had wet sand in tubs to use scoops and sand molds.
We had play dough with sand mixed in to it for a new texture.
We had water tables with plastic fish and nets to catch the fish and set them free.
We had a water table with the waterfall toys in it.
We did pretend surfing to music. We played pass the fish, when the music stops and you are holding the fish, you stand up and say "BLOOP, BLOOP" .
We played Balloon volleyball with partners and balloon bad mitten, we hit the balloons with a paper plate attached to a paint stick.
Willow Room- Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "The umbrella day" by Nancy Cooney
We talked about rainy days.
We painted storm clouds using the shaving cream and glue mixture with a little bit of paint added to make it look stormy.
We painted with real paint rollers on paper taped to the wall.
We practiced our songs for our Mother's Day tea.
We read "Rain" by Manya Stojic
We did an umbrella color matching activity.
We put a sea creature in water to see what will happen to it.
We had our "Beach Day" today to end our unit on Under the sea.
The children came to school dressed in fun summer clothes and brought their beach towels to sit on.
We read "Harry by the sea" by Gene Zion
We played a "guess what is in the beach bag" game.
For art, we brought out stencils and the children used a paint brush to paint glue inside the stencil shape. Then they removed the stencil shape and sprinkled colored sand on the paper. It only stuck to the glue and made the design show up.
At the easel we had sand castle shape paper and paint with sand in it to use to paint the sand castle.
We had wet sand in tubs to use scoops and sand molds.
We had play dough with sand mixed in to it for a new texture.
We had water tables with plastic fish and nets to catch the fish and set them free.
We had a water table with the waterfall toys in it.
We did pretend surfing to music. We played pass the fish, when the music stops and you are holding the fish, you stand up and say "BLOOP, BLOOP" .
We played Balloon volleyball with partners and balloon bad mitten, we hit the balloons with a paper plate attached to a paint stick.
Willow Room- Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "The umbrella day" by Nancy Cooney
We talked about rainy days.
We painted storm clouds using the shaving cream and glue mixture with a little bit of paint added to make it look stormy.
We painted with real paint rollers on paper taped to the wall.
We practiced our songs for our Mother's Day tea.
We read "Rain" by Manya Stojic
We did an umbrella color matching activity.
We put a sea creature in water to see what will happen to it.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Willow Room- MWF class
We read "The Umbrella Day" by Nancy Evans Cooney
We are learning about the letter T, words that start with it, sounds it makes and we asked the children "Do you have the letter T in your name?" Then we count how many yes's and how many no's and compare the results.
We used dish scrubbers to paint with at the table.
We painted with real paint rollers on paper taped to the wall instead of the easel.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did a rhyming game with pictures on top of raindrops.
We put a sea animal that is very small into water and we will watch what happens to it over the next several days.
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "The very hungry caterpillar" by Eric Carle
We painted egg cartons to make caterpillars.
At the easel we had corks to make circles that looked like a caterpillar and we had forks to paint with to look like grass.
We did the April song, and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We had our new waterfall toys with water in the sensory table.
We made caterpillar necklaces using a patterning method.
We did letter W activities and we played a caterpillar sequence game.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "The story of fish and snail" by Deborah Freedman and we also read "Swimmy" by Leo Lionni
We worked on a special project for Mother's Day.
We graphed how many letters we have in our last name.
Stay and Play:
We read "Froggy goes to Hawaii" by Jonathan London
We did "ping pong" painting. We dipped ping pong balls in thinned out paint. Then we put them on top of paper in a big tray. One child sat on one side of the table and one sat on the other and they used big straws to blow the ping pong balls back and forth to paint the paper.
We did 5 little flowers, 5 green and speckled frogs , fuzzy little caterpillar and some kite rhymes for music today.
We read "The Umbrella Day" by Nancy Evans Cooney
We are learning about the letter T, words that start with it, sounds it makes and we asked the children "Do you have the letter T in your name?" Then we count how many yes's and how many no's and compare the results.
We used dish scrubbers to paint with at the table.
We painted with real paint rollers on paper taped to the wall instead of the easel.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did a rhyming game with pictures on top of raindrops.
We put a sea animal that is very small into water and we will watch what happens to it over the next several days.
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "The very hungry caterpillar" by Eric Carle
We painted egg cartons to make caterpillars.
At the easel we had corks to make circles that looked like a caterpillar and we had forks to paint with to look like grass.
We did the April song, and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We had our new waterfall toys with water in the sensory table.
We made caterpillar necklaces using a patterning method.
We did letter W activities and we played a caterpillar sequence game.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "The story of fish and snail" by Deborah Freedman and we also read "Swimmy" by Leo Lionni
We worked on a special project for Mother's Day.
We graphed how many letters we have in our last name.
Stay and Play:
We read "Froggy goes to Hawaii" by Jonathan London
We did "ping pong" painting. We dipped ping pong balls in thinned out paint. Then we put them on top of paper in a big tray. One child sat on one side of the table and one sat on the other and they used big straws to blow the ping pong balls back and forth to paint the paper.
We did 5 little flowers, 5 green and speckled frogs , fuzzy little caterpillar and some kite rhymes for music today.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Willow Room- Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "The surprise Garden" by Zoe Hall
We asked the children "Have you ever planted a seed?
We used eye droppers to drip paint onto coffee filters and watched as the paint spread out. They will be turned into beautiful butterflies!
We did fingerpainting at the easel.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day and we did "Herman the Worm" for music today.
We talked about how a seed grows and we planted carrot, radish and onion seeds. We also planted sunflower seeds.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "The three little fish and the big bad shark" by Ken Grist and we read "Gilbert the great" by Jane Clarke
We painted with blue and green water colors on paper and then used sea life stampers to add sea creatures to our pictures.
We did "Join into the game" and practiced our songs for Mother's Day today.
We read "The surprise Garden" by Zoe Hall
We asked the children "Have you ever planted a seed?
We used eye droppers to drip paint onto coffee filters and watched as the paint spread out. They will be turned into beautiful butterflies!
We did fingerpainting at the easel.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day and we did "Herman the Worm" for music today.
We talked about how a seed grows and we planted carrot, radish and onion seeds. We also planted sunflower seeds.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "The three little fish and the big bad shark" by Ken Grist and we read "Gilbert the great" by Jane Clarke
We painted with blue and green water colors on paper and then used sea life stampers to add sea creatures to our pictures.
We did "Join into the game" and practiced our songs for Mother's Day today.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, April 21, 2014
Willow Room- Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole
We talked about planting seeds and asked the children "Have you ever planted a seed?
We did finger painting and then make a handprint on paper.
We drew pictures using oil pastels at the easel.
We did "Herman the Worm" and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We also read the book "The big yellow suflower"
We planted sunflower seeds!
We have real dirt in our sensory table. We added pretend bugs, cut up rubber bands ( worms) and tweezers to pick up the bugs and worms.
We made a chart of words that start with the letter S.
Oak Room- Pre- K class
We are finishing up our "Under the sea" this week. We have a beach party planned for later in the week!
We read "Gilbert Goldfish wants a pet" by Kelly DiPucchio
and we read " A big guy took my ball" by Mo Willems
We cut out hot air balloon shapes and painted them with tempra paint for the bulletin board.
We did "Toe, leg, knee" and we practiced our Mother's Day songs.
We did a salt water experiment- buoyancy" : First we put an egg in fresh water, and it sank. Then we added salt to the water and put the egg in again and it floated.
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "Where does the butterfly go when it rains?" by May Garelick
We worked on a special project for Mother's Day! It is a surprise!
We had paint and brushes at the easel.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day today at music time.
We did letter W activities and read the letter W book.
We read "Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole
We talked about planting seeds and asked the children "Have you ever planted a seed?
We did finger painting and then make a handprint on paper.
We drew pictures using oil pastels at the easel.
We did "Herman the Worm" and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We also read the book "The big yellow suflower"
We planted sunflower seeds!
We have real dirt in our sensory table. We added pretend bugs, cut up rubber bands ( worms) and tweezers to pick up the bugs and worms.
We made a chart of words that start with the letter S.
Oak Room- Pre- K class
We are finishing up our "Under the sea" this week. We have a beach party planned for later in the week!
We read "Gilbert Goldfish wants a pet" by Kelly DiPucchio
and we read " A big guy took my ball" by Mo Willems
We cut out hot air balloon shapes and painted them with tempra paint for the bulletin board.
We did "Toe, leg, knee" and we practiced our Mother's Day songs.
We did a salt water experiment- buoyancy" : First we put an egg in fresh water, and it sank. Then we added salt to the water and put the egg in again and it floated.
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "Where does the butterfly go when it rains?" by May Garelick
We worked on a special project for Mother's Day! It is a surprise!
We had paint and brushes at the easel.
We practiced our songs for Mother's Day today at music time.
We did letter W activities and read the letter W book.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Willow Room- MWF class
We are talking about construction and have our dramatic play area set up with lots of different kinds of blocks.
We read "The three little rigs" ( a take off on the three little pigs using construction trucks). It is bu David Gordon.
We also read "Mouse's first spring" by Lauren Thompson
We painted using different size cups to make circles of various sizes.
At the easel we had toy gears that we used to make flower designs.
We did a 5 pretty flower rhyme.
We did "Button Factory", "Shake something" and Clap if you want to"
We looked at objects that start with the letter S and talked about the sounds the letter makes.
Oak Room- Pre- K class
We are still learning about Under the sea
We read "Hark a shark!" by Bonnie Worth ( a cat in the hat book)
We working in our number journals on numbers 6-10.
We did "The fish pokey" and we did a group activity of finding the person that has your matching number. Some kids had the number and some had a card with that number of dots on it. They had to find their partner.
We had an estimation jar today, it had magnetic letters in it and the children estimated how many they thought it held.
Maple Room:MWF class
We read "Arabella Millers Tiny Caterpillar" by Clare Jarrett
We worked on our Mother's Day project- it will be a wonderful surprise for the moms! Can't tell you about it yet.
We had flower shape stencils at the easel and used dab a doo markers to make a flower.
We did The April song, some butterfly rhymes, Fuzzy little caterpillar and we did the freeze dance using ribbons.
We worked on letter V activities, and we read Houdini, the amazing caterpillar by Janet Pedersen
Stay and Play:
We listened to a book on a CD- Count the Monekeys by Mac Barnett
We did a 3D paper art project- the children glued strips of paper onto their base to create a colorful 3D design.
We did a fun song we love- "I know a chicken" using our ribbon bells to dance with today. We also did 5 little bunnies rhyme.
We are talking about construction and have our dramatic play area set up with lots of different kinds of blocks.
We read "The three little rigs" ( a take off on the three little pigs using construction trucks). It is bu David Gordon.
We also read "Mouse's first spring" by Lauren Thompson
We painted using different size cups to make circles of various sizes.
At the easel we had toy gears that we used to make flower designs.
We did a 5 pretty flower rhyme.
We did "Button Factory", "Shake something" and Clap if you want to"
We looked at objects that start with the letter S and talked about the sounds the letter makes.
Oak Room- Pre- K class
We are still learning about Under the sea
We read "Hark a shark!" by Bonnie Worth ( a cat in the hat book)
We working in our number journals on numbers 6-10.
We did "The fish pokey" and we did a group activity of finding the person that has your matching number. Some kids had the number and some had a card with that number of dots on it. They had to find their partner.
We had an estimation jar today, it had magnetic letters in it and the children estimated how many they thought it held.
Maple Room:MWF class
We read "Arabella Millers Tiny Caterpillar" by Clare Jarrett
We worked on our Mother's Day project- it will be a wonderful surprise for the moms! Can't tell you about it yet.
We had flower shape stencils at the easel and used dab a doo markers to make a flower.
We did The April song, some butterfly rhymes, Fuzzy little caterpillar and we did the freeze dance using ribbons.
We worked on letter V activities, and we read Houdini, the amazing caterpillar by Janet Pedersen
Stay and Play:
We listened to a book on a CD- Count the Monekeys by Mac Barnett
We did a 3D paper art project- the children glued strips of paper onto their base to create a colorful 3D design.
We did a fun song we love- "I know a chicken" using our ribbon bells to dance with today. We also did 5 little bunnies rhyme.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for April 15, 2014
Willow Room- Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "Because a bug went kachoo"
We used bug stampers and tempra paint to make fun bug prints all over our papers.
We used water colors to paint doilies at the easel which we will turn into flowers.
We did Here we go Looby Loo", "Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar" and May There always be sunshine" for music today.
We used our new balancing boards in the gym today.
We did a rhyme called "In the garden".
We made a rainbow on our ceiling by shining the sun on a mirror.
Oak Room- Pre- k class
We read "The Pout Pout Fish" and "The pout pout fish in the Big, Big Dark" by Deborah Diesen
We used fun flip flop painters with designs on the bottom. We used bright colors of paint on blue paper.
We did There was an old lady who swallowed a shell, ( a song book), and "5 little fishes swimming in the sea" with each of the children having props to hold for it.
We did an experiment with absorption- we tested different objects to see if they absorb water. If we could squeeze it and water comes out, it absorbs water. A cotton ball absorbs water, a toy car does not.
We set up the water table with sponges and cups so the children could make comparisons between the sponges to see which held more water.
We read "Because a bug went kachoo"
We used bug stampers and tempra paint to make fun bug prints all over our papers.
We used water colors to paint doilies at the easel which we will turn into flowers.
We did Here we go Looby Loo", "Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar" and May There always be sunshine" for music today.
We used our new balancing boards in the gym today.
We did a rhyme called "In the garden".
We made a rainbow on our ceiling by shining the sun on a mirror.
Oak Room- Pre- k class
We read "The Pout Pout Fish" and "The pout pout fish in the Big, Big Dark" by Deborah Diesen
We used fun flip flop painters with designs on the bottom. We used bright colors of paint on blue paper.
We did There was an old lady who swallowed a shell, ( a song book), and "5 little fishes swimming in the sea" with each of the children having props to hold for it.
We did an experiment with absorption- we tested different objects to see if they absorb water. If we could squeeze it and water comes out, it absorbs water. A cotton ball absorbs water, a toy car does not.
We set up the water table with sponges and cups so the children could make comparisons between the sponges to see which held more water.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, April 14, 2014
4-14-14------today's date. It is a pattern. Did you notice that too?
We have a new balancing board in the gym for the children to use today.

Maple Room: MWF class
We read "The crunching Munching caterpillar" by Sheridan Cain
We worked on something special to give our Mother's for Mother's Day. We painted egg cartons and will turn them into a special surprise.
We practiced songs for Mother's Day and we did The April song.
We had water colors at the easel.
We did letter V activities.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "The foolish tortoise" by Eric Carle
We also read "Happy Pig Day" by Mo Willems
The children made a turtle out of paper plates, pieces of paper they cut for the head and legs and they glued fabric pieces to the paper plate to look like the design on the shell of the turtle.
We did I'm a turtle", "5 little turtles" and "The button factory" for music today.
We had a new water toy in our room where the water flows through the holes in different ways.
We had a turtle game to play with at the table.
We had our fishing and plastic pool in the room.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Because a little bug went ka-choo!"
We painted using bug stampers. First, the children painted the stamper using a paint brush, then they pressed it onto the paper to make the print.
We painted doilies at the easel, using bright water colors. We will turn them into flowers for our Mother's Day party.
We did Here we go looby loo, and Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar for music today.
We read "From caterpillar to butterfly" by Deborah Heilgman
We looked at our caterpillars and saw HOW BIG THEY ARE! They will soon start their transformation.
We made our letter R word chart.
Stay and Play:
We read "Ant and Grasshopper" by Luli Gray
We painted by dripping paint onto paper and then putting a piece of plastic wrap on top of the paint. The children then mushed the paint around through the plastic wrap to mix the colors and make a design. We pealed up the plastic wrap to finish our picture.
We played an alphabet mystery game. We put an alphabet letter in a sock and the children had to reach in and feel the letter and see if they could guess what they letter was by feeling it.
We have a new balancing board in the gym for the children to use today.

Maple Room: MWF class
We read "The crunching Munching caterpillar" by Sheridan Cain
We worked on something special to give our Mother's for Mother's Day. We painted egg cartons and will turn them into a special surprise.
We practiced songs for Mother's Day and we did The April song.
We had water colors at the easel.
We did letter V activities.
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "The foolish tortoise" by Eric Carle
We also read "Happy Pig Day" by Mo Willems
The children made a turtle out of paper plates, pieces of paper they cut for the head and legs and they glued fabric pieces to the paper plate to look like the design on the shell of the turtle.
We did I'm a turtle", "5 little turtles" and "The button factory" for music today.
We had a new water toy in our room where the water flows through the holes in different ways.
We had a turtle game to play with at the table.
We had our fishing and plastic pool in the room.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Because a little bug went ka-choo!"
We painted using bug stampers. First, the children painted the stamper using a paint brush, then they pressed it onto the paper to make the print.
We painted doilies at the easel, using bright water colors. We will turn them into flowers for our Mother's Day party.
We did Here we go looby loo, and Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar for music today.
We read "From caterpillar to butterfly" by Deborah Heilgman
We looked at our caterpillars and saw HOW BIG THEY ARE! They will soon start their transformation.
We made our letter R word chart.
Stay and Play:
We read "Ant and Grasshopper" by Luli Gray
We painted by dripping paint onto paper and then putting a piece of plastic wrap on top of the paint. The children then mushed the paint around through the plastic wrap to mix the colors and make a design. We pealed up the plastic wrap to finish our picture.
We played an alphabet mystery game. We put an alphabet letter in a sock and the children had to reach in and feel the letter and see if they could guess what they letter was by feeling it.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, April 11, 2014
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "Clumsy Crab" by Ruth Galloway and we read another Elephant and piggie book by Mo Willems
We brushed bright paint colors onto bubble wrap. Then we made a print by pressing paper onto the bubble wrap . Later the teachers added a sea creature shape frame to turn it onto a colorful sea creature.
We did "the river" and action song on a Bill Hooper CD
We did a counting game with flowers and added circles for the number of petals that was listed on the card.
We did an ABC game using a pocket chart; the children placed the matching picture and appropriate letter for each letter of the alphabet.
Maple Room:
We read "Waiting for wings" by Lois Ehlert
We worked on a special project today to give our mom's on Mother's Day- so it is going to have to be a surprise!
We had butterfly shapes at the easel with paint.
We did "The April song" and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did letter U activities.
We read "From caterpillar to butterfly" by Deborah Heilgman
Willow Room- MWF class
We read "A rainbow of my own" by Don Freeman
We asked the children "Do you have the letter R in your name?"
We did a group art project- we glued fun foam letters onto a big piece of paper to make an ABC colored rainbow. It is in the hall.
We painted using paint pallets and water color brushes.
Over in the meadow by Dr. Jean, O Hey, Oh Hi, Hello by Jim Gill, and Stick to the glue by Jim Gill are the songs we did for music today.
We looked at the letter R, at things that start with the letter R and talked about the sounds the letter makes.
We read "Wake up, it's spring" by Lisa Campbell Ernst
We put a mirror in the sun shine and made a rainbow shine in our own classroom.
Stay and Play:
We read "Two little birds" by Mary Newell DePlama
We did a creative art process by spreading yellow paint with sponge rollers all over the paper. Then we used stampers dipped in red or blue paint and added it to our picture. We noted the new colors that it made by mixing the yellow and red or yellow and blue.
We did a color rhyme called "Carl the clown" and we did "I can dance"- a song where you alternate sitting quietly and then dancing.
We read "Clumsy Crab" by Ruth Galloway and we read another Elephant and piggie book by Mo Willems
We brushed bright paint colors onto bubble wrap. Then we made a print by pressing paper onto the bubble wrap . Later the teachers added a sea creature shape frame to turn it onto a colorful sea creature.
We did "the river" and action song on a Bill Hooper CD
We did a counting game with flowers and added circles for the number of petals that was listed on the card.
We did an ABC game using a pocket chart; the children placed the matching picture and appropriate letter for each letter of the alphabet.
Maple Room:
We read "Waiting for wings" by Lois Ehlert
We worked on a special project today to give our mom's on Mother's Day- so it is going to have to be a surprise!
We had butterfly shapes at the easel with paint.
We did "The April song" and practiced our songs for Mother's Day.
We did letter U activities.
We read "From caterpillar to butterfly" by Deborah Heilgman
Willow Room- MWF class
We read "A rainbow of my own" by Don Freeman
We asked the children "Do you have the letter R in your name?"
We did a group art project- we glued fun foam letters onto a big piece of paper to make an ABC colored rainbow. It is in the hall.
We painted using paint pallets and water color brushes.
Over in the meadow by Dr. Jean, O Hey, Oh Hi, Hello by Jim Gill, and Stick to the glue by Jim Gill are the songs we did for music today.
We looked at the letter R, at things that start with the letter R and talked about the sounds the letter makes.
We read "Wake up, it's spring" by Lisa Campbell Ernst
We put a mirror in the sun shine and made a rainbow shine in our own classroom.
Stay and Play:
We read "Two little birds" by Mary Newell DePlama
We did a creative art process by spreading yellow paint with sponge rollers all over the paper. Then we used stampers dipped in red or blue paint and added it to our picture. We noted the new colors that it made by mixing the yellow and red or yellow and blue.
We did a color rhyme called "Carl the clown" and we did "I can dance"- a song where you alternate sitting quietly and then dancing.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, April 10, 2014
Oak Room: Pre- K class
" A house for hermit crab" by Eric Carle is the story we read today.
We made salt clay sea sculptures. We made a mixture of salt, flour and water and pressed it onto a paper plate. The children then used toothpicks, sea shells,pipe cleaners, etc. to decorate the clay sculpture.
We did some butterfly rhymes, each child was given two butterfly "rings" to act out the rhymes.
We did a match the fish color rhyme too.
We did a float and sink experiment.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Crunching, Munching Caterpillar" by Sheridan Cain
We asked the children "Would you like to have wings"
We painted egg cartons green to turn them into caterpillars.
We had tubes filled with watercolors and with sponges on the tips to paint with at the easel today.
We did a review of the nursery rhymes we learned, we also did The hand dance and Little fish for music today.
We did a rainbow soup felt rhyme and we read the book "Spring is here" by Will Hillenbrand
" A house for hermit crab" by Eric Carle is the story we read today.
We made salt clay sea sculptures. We made a mixture of salt, flour and water and pressed it onto a paper plate. The children then used toothpicks, sea shells,pipe cleaners, etc. to decorate the clay sculpture.
We did some butterfly rhymes, each child was given two butterfly "rings" to act out the rhymes.
We did a match the fish color rhyme too.
We did a float and sink experiment.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Crunching, Munching Caterpillar" by Sheridan Cain
We asked the children "Would you like to have wings"
We painted egg cartons green to turn them into caterpillars.
We had tubes filled with watercolors and with sponges on the tips to paint with at the easel today.
We did a review of the nursery rhymes we learned, we also did The hand dance and Little fish for music today.
We did a rainbow soup felt rhyme and we read the book "Spring is here" by Will Hillenbrand
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Willow Room- MWF class
We read "Crunching Munching Caterpillar" by Sheridan Cain
We asked the children "Would you like to have wings?"
We painted egg cartons green to turn them into caterpillars.
We painted at the easel with water colors in small bottles.
We did Little Fish, Nursery Rhymes,(a review of all the rhymes we learned) and the Hand Dance for music time today.
We thought of words that begin with the letter Q.
We did a rainbow soup felt rhyme.
We measured how long out caterpillars have grown.
We read "Spring is here" by Will Hillenbrand
Maple Room:
We read "Clara Caterpillar" By Pamela Duncan Edwards
We painted paper plates to turn into a giant classroom caterpillar.
We had dab a doo painters at the easel.
We put a big caterpillar into ABC order.
We did letter U activities
Oak Room:
We read "Fish is Fish" by Leo Lionni
We also read Let's go for a drive" by Mo Willems
We worked in our journals on number activities 1-5 (we finished our ABC's)
We did "The Freeze dance", "Couch Potato Pokey" and "I can Hammer" for music time today.
We played a game in small groups called "Slide and count addition". It is a fun learning game, where the children take a card with numbers on it, add the correct number of counters and add them together to get the total.
Stay and Play:
We read' And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street" by Dr. Seuss
We made bubble wrap designs. Ahead of time the teacher cut little slits in the back of bubble wrap and the children used small pieces of yarn to push into each spot. From the front it made a colorful picture.
We did "Shoo fly", a body parts song. and 5 little ducks song.
We read "Crunching Munching Caterpillar" by Sheridan Cain
We asked the children "Would you like to have wings?"
We painted egg cartons green to turn them into caterpillars.
We painted at the easel with water colors in small bottles.
We did Little Fish, Nursery Rhymes,(a review of all the rhymes we learned) and the Hand Dance for music time today.
We thought of words that begin with the letter Q.
We did a rainbow soup felt rhyme.
We measured how long out caterpillars have grown.
We read "Spring is here" by Will Hillenbrand
Maple Room:
We read "Clara Caterpillar" By Pamela Duncan Edwards
We painted paper plates to turn into a giant classroom caterpillar.
We had dab a doo painters at the easel.
We put a big caterpillar into ABC order.
We did letter U activities
Oak Room:
We read "Fish is Fish" by Leo Lionni
We also read Let's go for a drive" by Mo Willems
We worked in our journals on number activities 1-5 (we finished our ABC's)
We did "The Freeze dance", "Couch Potato Pokey" and "I can Hammer" for music time today.
We played a game in small groups called "Slide and count addition". It is a fun learning game, where the children take a card with numbers on it, add the correct number of counters and add them together to get the total.
Stay and Play:
We read' And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street" by Dr. Seuss
We made bubble wrap designs. Ahead of time the teacher cut little slits in the back of bubble wrap and the children used small pieces of yarn to push into each spot. From the front it made a colorful picture.
We did "Shoo fly", a body parts song. and 5 little ducks song.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
"Kindergarten Explorers"
We have exciting news here at Trinity Preschool!
For years, parents have asked me to offer kindergarten at Trinity Preschool, and while we are not doing that, we are doing the next best thing.
Starting this fall, September 2014, we will begin offering "KINDERGARTEN EXPLORERS" an afternoon class designed for children who attend kindergarten in the morning at their local public school. We feel this will meet a need many parents have for giving their children a structured activity that will be offering learning activities, with the time to also have choice time with all of our great materials, small group games, gym or outside time, snack and more. We will work with the children to develop their reading skills, writing skills, and math activities. We will challenge them to think/create and engage their minds in fun projects.
Important Details:
- Class will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- Official class time will be 12:30-2:45- however we will have what we are calling a "soft start", so kids can come straight from morning kindergarten and eat their lunch here before class, or go home and have lunch before class begins at 12:30.
- There will be one teacher and one assistant teacher in the room.
- The class is for children who are 5 by September 1st.
- We will not be offering a bus service from the local schools at this time. That may happen, but right now it is not in place.(Part of the problem is that so many schools feed into Trinity, this makes a bus complicated.)
- Monthly tuition will be $200.00 (same as our MWF am classes)
- Class will start Wednesday, September 3, 2014 and end on Wednesday, May 20, 2015.
- This class will not be offered in the morning for children attending afternoon kindergarten as we have no open rooms to house the class.
- Children who attend Trinity Preschool in the morning cannot stay for this class
- We will still offer stay & play for our preschoolers on MWF until 1:45.
Help spread the word, this will be open to all children who are 5 by September 1st!
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "Diary of a worm" by Doreen Cronin and we read "I am a frog" by Mo Willems
We painted with rubber worms attached to a stick. We dipped the worms in brown paint and lifted them up and down on top of paper shaped like a fish.
We did Stomp, stomp, clap, when I was a little fish, and couch potato pokey, for music today.
We had a plastic swimming pool with magnetic fish and fishing poles today. The children sat on chairs by the pool and fished.
We had the water table with cups, strainers, etc today.
Our sensory table has blue plastic chips in it with small fish for us to explore.
We have shells to look at by our science area.
Willow Room: Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "Butterfly Garden" by Barbara McNamara
We looked at our caterpillars and our Luna Moth cocoon today. We asked the children "Have you ever seen a caterpillar?"
We made rainbow toast today by painting on bread with a mixture of sweetened condensed milk and food color. Then we toasted it and enjoyed it for snack.
We had sponge brushes and painted rainbows at the easel.
We did "I'm a little teapot", Rainbow pokey (using color dancing ribbons) and on the count of 5 for music today.
We also read "What makes a rainbow" and "I'm a little teapot" by Iza Trapani
We read "Diary of a worm" by Doreen Cronin and we read "I am a frog" by Mo Willems
We painted with rubber worms attached to a stick. We dipped the worms in brown paint and lifted them up and down on top of paper shaped like a fish.
We did Stomp, stomp, clap, when I was a little fish, and couch potato pokey, for music today.
We had a plastic swimming pool with magnetic fish and fishing poles today. The children sat on chairs by the pool and fished.
We had the water table with cups, strainers, etc today.
Our sensory table has blue plastic chips in it with small fish for us to explore.
We have shells to look at by our science area.
Willow Room: Terrific 2's and 3's class
We read "Butterfly Garden" by Barbara McNamara
We looked at our caterpillars and our Luna Moth cocoon today. We asked the children "Have you ever seen a caterpillar?"
We made rainbow toast today by painting on bread with a mixture of sweetened condensed milk and food color. Then we toasted it and enjoyed it for snack.
We had sponge brushes and painted rainbows at the easel.
We did "I'm a little teapot", Rainbow pokey (using color dancing ribbons) and on the count of 5 for music today.
We also read "What makes a rainbow" and "I'm a little teapot" by Iza Trapani
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, April 7, 2014
Maple Room- MWF class
We read "Does a kangaroo have a Mother too?" by Eric Carle
We worked on making our invitations for our Mother's Day tea next month.
We had texture brushes at the easel.
We did Letter U activities and the April song for music time today.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "I'm a little teapot" Iza Trapani
We painted bread with sweetened condensed milk and milk added to think it, colored with food color. The children used paint brushes and then we toasted the bread for snack.
We painted rainbows at the easel using sponge brushes and the colors in the rainbow.
We did "I'm a little tea pot", Rainbow Pokey ( we used colored ribbons to put in and out) and we did "On the count of 5" for music today.
We talked about the letter Q and looked at objects that start with the letter Q.
We did an experiment- we used a mirror reflecting the sun to make a rainbow on the ceiling.
We had a special tea party at snack today. We ate our rainbow toast and we used tea pots to pour Juice into tea cups for snack.
Oak Room: Pre- k class (Under the sea)
We read "Tickly Octopus" by Ruth Galloway and we read another one of the Elephant and Piggie books " Should I share my ice cream?" by Mo Willems
We made octopus out of a toilet paper roll. We made cuts at the bottom to look like tentacles. Then we painted it and put google eyes on it.
We did "Sticky bubble gum", "5 little fish swimming in the sea" and "The April song" for music today.
We read "Does a kangaroo have a Mother too?" by Eric Carle
We worked on making our invitations for our Mother's Day tea next month.
We had texture brushes at the easel.
We did Letter U activities and the April song for music time today.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "I'm a little teapot" Iza Trapani
We painted bread with sweetened condensed milk and milk added to think it, colored with food color. The children used paint brushes and then we toasted the bread for snack.
We painted rainbows at the easel using sponge brushes and the colors in the rainbow.
We did "I'm a little tea pot", Rainbow Pokey ( we used colored ribbons to put in and out) and we did "On the count of 5" for music today.
We talked about the letter Q and looked at objects that start with the letter Q.
We did an experiment- we used a mirror reflecting the sun to make a rainbow on the ceiling.
We had a special tea party at snack today. We ate our rainbow toast and we used tea pots to pour Juice into tea cups for snack.
Oak Room: Pre- k class (Under the sea)
We read "Tickly Octopus" by Ruth Galloway and we read another one of the Elephant and Piggie books " Should I share my ice cream?" by Mo Willems
We made octopus out of a toilet paper roll. We made cuts at the bottom to look like tentacles. Then we painted it and put google eyes on it.
We did "Sticky bubble gum", "5 little fish swimming in the sea" and "The April song" for music today.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, April 4, 2015
Our caterpillars and Luna Moth cocoon arrived and we got to look at them.We will watch to see how they develop.
Maple Room- MWF class
We read "The beautiful kite" by Andrea Spalding
We used these fun "flip flop" painters that have designs on the bottoms to make our paintings today. We will turn them into kites after they dry.
We had kite shapes at the easel, and used dab a dot painters to decorate them.
We did the April song, Months of the year, and we did "Let's go fly a kite", using scarves.
We did our letter T activities on dry erase boards
Oak Room: Pre- k class
We read "Figety Fish" by Ruth Galloway and "Smiley Fish" by Ruth Galloway
We also read another Elephant and Piggie book
We cut a triangle shape out of a paper plate, then we attached it back to the paper plate like a "tail. The cut out part, looks like the fish mouth, and then we decorated them.We glued tissue paper strips.
We painted angel fish shapes at the easel with blue and yellow paint.
We did "Went to the pet store". and "Ready, set, move" from the Greg and Steve CD for music today.
We are working on our last letter now, we talked about words that start with the letter Z.
We put one of those "growing fish" into water and we took it out today to measure how much it has grown.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Clara caterpillar" by Pamela Duncan Edwards
We asked the children "Have you ever seen a caterpillar?"
We used marshmallows and Q-tips to paint with today! We made caterpillars on leaf shapes.
We had a magnetic alphabet caterpillar at the easel. We put the letters in the right order to create a caterpillar.
We did "I like my hat" and "There is a dog in school" for music today.
We read "The Butterfly Garden Book" by Margaret McNamara.
We thought of words that start with the letter P.
Stay and Play:
We read a brand new book called "The day the crayons quit" by D. Daywalt. This cute story is about the crayons writing a letter to the little boy who owns the box of crayons , explaining why they are unhappy.
We used markers to draw a picture on white paper towel. The we placed a white paper towel under the white paper and the children used a spray bottle to wet the paper towel.. The color transferred to the white paper below.
We did "We're going on a bug hunt" a song and chant. and we did "Tap your toe" for music today.
Maple Room- MWF class
We read "The beautiful kite" by Andrea Spalding
We used these fun "flip flop" painters that have designs on the bottoms to make our paintings today. We will turn them into kites after they dry.
We had kite shapes at the easel, and used dab a dot painters to decorate them.
We did the April song, Months of the year, and we did "Let's go fly a kite", using scarves.
We did our letter T activities on dry erase boards
Oak Room: Pre- k class
We read "Figety Fish" by Ruth Galloway and "Smiley Fish" by Ruth Galloway
We also read another Elephant and Piggie book
We cut a triangle shape out of a paper plate, then we attached it back to the paper plate like a "tail. The cut out part, looks like the fish mouth, and then we decorated them.We glued tissue paper strips.
We painted angel fish shapes at the easel with blue and yellow paint.
We did "Went to the pet store". and "Ready, set, move" from the Greg and Steve CD for music today.
We are working on our last letter now, we talked about words that start with the letter Z.
We put one of those "growing fish" into water and we took it out today to measure how much it has grown.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Clara caterpillar" by Pamela Duncan Edwards
We asked the children "Have you ever seen a caterpillar?"
We used marshmallows and Q-tips to paint with today! We made caterpillars on leaf shapes.
We had a magnetic alphabet caterpillar at the easel. We put the letters in the right order to create a caterpillar.
We did "I like my hat" and "There is a dog in school" for music today.
We read "The Butterfly Garden Book" by Margaret McNamara.
We thought of words that start with the letter P.
Stay and Play:
We read a brand new book called "The day the crayons quit" by D. Daywalt. This cute story is about the crayons writing a letter to the little boy who owns the box of crayons , explaining why they are unhappy.
We used markers to draw a picture on white paper towel. The we placed a white paper towel under the white paper and the children used a spray bottle to wet the paper towel.. The color transferred to the white paper below.
We did "We're going on a bug hunt" a song and chant. and we did "Tap your toe" for music today.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, April 3, 2014
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We jarread "Clam I am! by Tish Rabe A book all about the beach and we read about starfish today.
We cut out starfish shapes, we painted with a puffy paint textured paint.
We did a fun line dance to the song "happy". We did some fish rhymes today to.
We are doing an experiment by putting and rocks and shells in a jar with water. We will shake it and see what happens over time.
Maple Room: Thursday class
We read Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish
We practiced writing spring words. We played a version of BINGO, that was all about position words, over, under, behind, etc. We also played a game of whether or not what we pull out of the bag a word or a letter?
Willow Room: Terrific 2's and 3's
We read "Little Miss Muffet" by Iza Trapani
We asked the children "Are you afraid of spiders?"
We used plastic spoons to drizzle paint on our papers.
We painted with with brushes, and paint on paper that had google eyes on it.
We did "little miss muffet", "jump up turn around", and "little fish, let's go swimming" for music today.
We acted out the little miss muffet nursery rhyme, one child put on an apron, sat on a tuffet, and had a bowl of "curds and whey". Another child had on a spider costume and crawled over and scared miss muffet away. So cute They each got turns.
We jarread "Clam I am! by Tish Rabe A book all about the beach and we read about starfish today.
We cut out starfish shapes, we painted with a puffy paint textured paint.
We did a fun line dance to the song "happy". We did some fish rhymes today to.
We are doing an experiment by putting and rocks and shells in a jar with water. We will shake it and see what happens over time.
Maple Room: Thursday class
We read Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish
We practiced writing spring words. We played a version of BINGO, that was all about position words, over, under, behind, etc. We also played a game of whether or not what we pull out of the bag a word or a letter?
Willow Room: Terrific 2's and 3's
We read "Little Miss Muffet" by Iza Trapani
We asked the children "Are you afraid of spiders?"
We used plastic spoons to drizzle paint on our papers.
We painted with with brushes, and paint on paper that had google eyes on it.
We did "little miss muffet", "jump up turn around", and "little fish, let's go swimming" for music today.
We acted out the little miss muffet nursery rhyme, one child put on an apron, sat on a tuffet, and had a bowl of "curds and whey". Another child had on a spider costume and crawled over and scared miss muffet away. So cute They each got turns.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, April 2, 2014
We got out to the playground today!
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "Wacky Wednesday" by Dr. Seuss
We completed our project we started the other day, we had colored on paper with oil pastels and today we did a "wash" over them with watercolors. The area on the paper that has the oil pastels, resists the watercolors.
We finger painted on flower shapes at the easel using our finger tips only.
We did "The April song", and "Month's song"
We did letter T activities and we did a rhyming activity
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "commotion in the ocean" by Giles Andreae and "I am a fish- the life of a clown fish" Darlene Stille and we also read " Elephant and Piggie story by Mo Willems
We worked in our journal notebooks on our last letter of the alphabet ! We did letter Z pictures and words in our journals.
We had clownfish at the easel. We will add them to our under the sea bulletin board.
We did "At the bottom of the sea" and used scarves to dance with to the music. and we did "Baby Beluga for music today.
We have a picnic area set up in our dramatic corner.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Little Miss Muffet" by Iza Trapani
We asked the children "Do you have the letter P in your name?"
We used spoons to drizzle paint onto paper.
We painted a picture around google eyes at the easel.
We did the rhyme "Little miss muffet" and the children got to act it out. One child sat on a tuffet (stool), stirring pretend curds and whey and another child had on a spider costume and crawled over and scared them away.
We also did Jump up, turn around, and Little fish, let's go swimming for music today.
We matched upper and lower case letters on Easter eggs for a matching activity.
We looked at objects that started with the letter P.
Stay and Play:
We read "That's what friends are for" by Florence Parry Heide and Sylvia Van Clief
We painted with strings of beads, we dipped them in paint and dragged them back and forth across our paper.
We also read "Duck and Goose by Tad Hills
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "Wacky Wednesday" by Dr. Seuss
We completed our project we started the other day, we had colored on paper with oil pastels and today we did a "wash" over them with watercolors. The area on the paper that has the oil pastels, resists the watercolors.
We finger painted on flower shapes at the easel using our finger tips only.
We did "The April song", and "Month's song"
We did letter T activities and we did a rhyming activity
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We read "commotion in the ocean" by Giles Andreae and "I am a fish- the life of a clown fish" Darlene Stille and we also read " Elephant and Piggie story by Mo Willems
We worked in our journal notebooks on our last letter of the alphabet ! We did letter Z pictures and words in our journals.
We had clownfish at the easel. We will add them to our under the sea bulletin board.
We did "At the bottom of the sea" and used scarves to dance with to the music. and we did "Baby Beluga for music today.
We have a picnic area set up in our dramatic corner.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Little Miss Muffet" by Iza Trapani
We asked the children "Do you have the letter P in your name?"
We used spoons to drizzle paint onto paper.
We painted a picture around google eyes at the easel.
We did the rhyme "Little miss muffet" and the children got to act it out. One child sat on a tuffet (stool), stirring pretend curds and whey and another child had on a spider costume and crawled over and scared them away.
We also did Jump up, turn around, and Little fish, let's go swimming for music today.
We matched upper and lower case letters on Easter eggs for a matching activity.
We looked at objects that started with the letter P.
Stay and Play:
We read "That's what friends are for" by Florence Parry Heide and Sylvia Van Clief
We painted with strings of beads, we dipped them in paint and dragged them back and forth across our paper.
We also read "Duck and Goose by Tad Hills
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Willow Room: Terrific 2's and 3's class
We did the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle" by Melissa Everett
We talked about spring break.
We used a glue mixture with flour, salt, and paint and we used a spoon to paint with it on a paper plate. Then we left the spoon to get stuck to the plate. (In the rhyme "the dish ran away with the spoon")
We had water colors at the easel.
We did the Hey Diddle Diddle rhyme, "Show me what you feel", and "shadow dancing" ( both from Kids in Motion CD, for music today.
We talked about the weather and what the spring weather means. We read a weather book called "What will the weather be like today?" by Paul Rogers
We had table top easels set up, one side had chalk, the other had dry erase markers.
We have rice in the sensory table and we had dinosaurs in the rice to explore.
Oak Room- Pre K class
We read "Goodnight Little Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister and "I am going" today.
We painted bowls purple and added streamers to them to make them look like jelly fish. We will finish them tomorrow and hang them around our room.
We did "Little fish" and "Goldfish, Goldfish, what do you see?
We are learning about jelly fish today, ask your child some facts about jelly fish.
We did the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle" by Melissa Everett
We talked about spring break.
We used a glue mixture with flour, salt, and paint and we used a spoon to paint with it on a paper plate. Then we left the spoon to get stuck to the plate. (In the rhyme "the dish ran away with the spoon")
We had water colors at the easel.
We did the Hey Diddle Diddle rhyme, "Show me what you feel", and "shadow dancing" ( both from Kids in Motion CD, for music today.
We talked about the weather and what the spring weather means. We read a weather book called "What will the weather be like today?" by Paul Rogers
We had table top easels set up, one side had chalk, the other had dry erase markers.
We have rice in the sensory table and we had dinosaurs in the rice to explore.
Oak Room- Pre K class
We read "Goodnight Little Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister and "I am going" today.
We painted bowls purple and added streamers to them to make them look like jelly fish. We will finish them tomorrow and hang them around our room.
We did "Little fish" and "Goldfish, Goldfish, what do you see?
We are learning about jelly fish today, ask your child some facts about jelly fish.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, March 31, 2014
Willow Room- MWF class
We are doing the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle" and read the book by Melissa Everett
We talked about our spring break at group time.
We dud a group art project by fingerpainting using flour, salt, and paint and we made a giant moon. We painted a cow using black and brown paint and brushes.
We had water colors at the easel.
We did the Hey Diddle Diddle Rhyme, The Body Rock, and Show me what you feel for music time today. We made a letter O chart and we read a book about weather "What will the weather be like today?" by Paul Rogers
We have rice in our sensory table to enjoy with scoops, spoons and cups.
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "I.m not going to get up today" by Dr. Seuss
We did a multi-day project using crayons and oil pastels. We had paint and textured brushes at the easel today.
We did "The March song, A-A- A Apple, Bean Bag Boogie, and Take that Bean Bag" for music time today.
We did Letter T activities.
We did a game using rhyming words cards
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We are doing our unit on "Under the sea" and have so many fun activities planned.
We read "Rainbow fish" by Marcus Pfister and "My friend is sad"
We cut out fish shapes and painted them with water colors to use on our "under the sea " bulletin board.
We did "The little fish" and "Herman the worm" for music today.
Stay and Play:
We read "Silly Suzy Gooze" and "Look out Suzy Goose" by Petr Horacek
We did finger painting with fingertips only and used a sponge to wipe it off.
We did 5 little monkeys and we did A-A- A apple and some bean bag songs.
Willow Room- MWF class
We are doing the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle" and read the book by Melissa Everett
We talked about our spring break at group time.
We dud a group art project by fingerpainting using flour, salt, and paint and we made a giant moon. We painted a cow using black and brown paint and brushes.
We had water colors at the easel.
We did the Hey Diddle Diddle Rhyme, The Body Rock, and Show me what you feel for music time today. We made a letter O chart and we read a book about weather "What will the weather be like today?" by Paul Rogers
We have rice in our sensory table to enjoy with scoops, spoons and cups.
Maple Room: MWF class
We read "I.m not going to get up today" by Dr. Seuss
We did a multi-day project using crayons and oil pastels. We had paint and textured brushes at the easel today.
We did "The March song, A-A- A Apple, Bean Bag Boogie, and Take that Bean Bag" for music time today.
We did Letter T activities.
We did a game using rhyming words cards
Oak Room: Pre- K class
We are doing our unit on "Under the sea" and have so many fun activities planned.
We read "Rainbow fish" by Marcus Pfister and "My friend is sad"
We cut out fish shapes and painted them with water colors to use on our "under the sea " bulletin board.
We did "The little fish" and "Herman the worm" for music today.
Stay and Play:
We read "Silly Suzy Gooze" and "Look out Suzy Goose" by Petr Horacek
We did finger painting with fingertips only and used a sponge to wipe it off.
We did 5 little monkeys and we did A-A- A apple and some bean bag songs.
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