Thursday, March 11, 2010

Willow room activities

Sorry for the delay in posting these- I have been busy ordering new equipment for the classrooms.

Monday, March 8

We did Jack and Jill Rhymes and we talked about words that begi with the letter "M"

Although we know in the original rhyme the "crown" jack breaks is his head, we decided to treat it as his royal crown, so we made new crowns for Jack.

We painted at the easel with different kinds of brushes and purple and pink paint.

Tuesday, March 9

We also did the Jack and Jill activities with this class, but we also reviewed Mary had a little lamb and itsy bitsy spider.

We asked the question, are you happy that the snow is melting?

Wednesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 10

We did the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty and we read a story about it. We acted out the rhyme using a real egg and talked about things you can put back together like a puzzle vs an egg that you can't put back together.

We had magnetic letters at the easel.

We had out some letter puzzles and a shape box. We had out some shape and color activities out today. We also have a new airplane counting game.

We sang on the count of 5 and we played "pass the egg" to music.
For art we glued white pieces of tissue paper onto an egg shape and we will turn it into Humpty Dumpty

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