Sunday, May 6, 2012

Art and Bulletin Boards for Preschool Fish Theme

Bulletin board for under the sea

Whales, made by adding fish shape foam pieces to blue hair gel in a zip lock bag taped to back of hole in whale shape the children cut out.

The children painted the blue background as a large mural group project, and added confetti pieces to fish and sea horse shapes.

This was painted by rolling a large piece of paper in a box with tennis balls dipped in paint.  They were then cut into fish shapes.

The children painted the mural backdrop and we added the paper plate fish, and the star fish to create and under the sea scene.

We read the story "Swimmy" by Leo Lionni and each child used a stamper to make red fish with one black fish like swimmy.  We then put them all together in the hall as a display.

The children in our Pre-k room spent a few weeks learning about fish, under the sea, water, whales, turtles, and more.  We made many, many projects, only some are shown here. We made turtles using tissue paper and turtle shapes, we made jelly fish out of paper bowls, and we made sand art creations too.  We also used a salt clay with sea shells, small stones, pieces of sticks to make a sea shore creation.  We brought in shells, sea urchins, and starfish to look at.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love all of your art&craft ideas for preschoolers. SUPER!
