Links to information about Trinity Preschool
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, Dec. 16, 2011
Thank you to everyone who came for the party, the children did a great job!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
School resumes Tuesday, January 3, 2012!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011
Before the program we used cereal to string onto yearn to make cereal necklaces.
The Terrific 2's and 3's class had their holiday party and program today and they did a wonderful job. They sang some songs and did a few holiday fingerplays for all the families- it was great. Then we all enjoyed some delicious punch and cookies together.
The Maple Room:
We read "If you take a mouse to the movies" by Laura Numeroff ; one of a series of books and this one is about Christmas.
We poked cloves in Clementine oranges- a great fine motor skill.
We did some kid pick songs, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, sticky bubble gum, months of the year, head and shoulders, and the December song.
Oak Room:
We read "The magic porridge pot" by Paul Galdone
We made hand print wreaths and did fingerpainting.
We had cookie cutter shapes with small brushes/paint and sponges at the easels. The children used the small brushes to paint the sponge, then they pressed the cookie cutter onto the sponge and onto the paper to make a print.
We put beads on pipe cleaners, worked on a letter M puzzle, and had the bristle blocks out today.
We did a song called "Must be Santa" using visual prompts and we did musical mats- when the music stops, find the action mat and do that action.
We asked the children if their name has a letter M in it?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, DEcember 14, 2011
We played in the gym today with trikes, balls, hula hoops, and other fun equipment.
Stay & Play:
We had macaroni and cheese today for snack. We also offered fruit and pudding cups.
We read "Ginger Bear" by Mini Grey
We used fun flip flops that look like shoes on our hands to paint fun designs on paper.
We did "play the band" using bells, shakers, and sticks for music. We did some sing-a-long- songs.
The children enjoyed the bakery today.
We played a guess what's missing game. We had out legos and puzzles too.
All the classes joined together to practice our holiday program- they sound great!
Willow Room- MWF class:
We read "Snowmen at Christmas" by Caralyn Buehner
We made wreaths using paper plates, green snips of paper and scrunched up red tissue paper to look like holly berries. We put it all together with glitter glue.
Maple Room:
We read "The gingerbread girl goes animal crackers" by Lisa Campbell Ernst
We made candy canes. We had an outline on paper and the children placed painters' tape across the shape. They then painted with red glitter paint, pulled off the tape and we had stripes!
We had silver bell shapes at the easel and used bows as our paint brushes!
We did letter I activities, 5 little gingerbread and down around the corner a gingerbread rhyme.
We had a gift wrapping station set up in our sensory table with wrapping paper, boxes, and ribbon- they loved it!
Oak Room:
We read The three bears Christmas and Arthur Deck the Halls
We worked in our journals on the letter M - we wrote and drew something that starts with M.
We played "Pass the Santa" and read a book about the letter M
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011
Willow Room- T/Th class
We read "Mr Cookie Baker
We decorated Christmas stockings with snowflakes, stickers and glitter glue.
We did a "dress rehearsal" for our holiday program.
We are still having fun with our bakery shop. We also made cookies to eat at our holiday party on Thursday.
Oak Room:
We read "Froggy eats out" by Jonathan London and Llama Llama Holiday Drama" by Anna Dewdney
We baked cookies today for our holiday party. We have a great cookie recipe that the children can help with, but no little hands touch any dough!
We did "Must be Santa", "5 little cookies", and "S-A-N-T-A" for music today.
We did a guessing game with the letter M today.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Cutest cupcake ever- preschool art idea

We mixed shaving cream and glue and the children spread it on like frosting and then they sprinkled little colorful cut up squares to look like sprinkles....adorable!
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, December 12, 2011
Stay & Play:
We read "The little Bitty Bakery" by Leslie Muir
We used stampers and markers for art.
We did "Reindeer Pokey" "Call Rudolph" - a fingerplay
We went to the playground! Yea from some warm winter weather.
We played number Bingo.
Willow Room:
We read "Mr Cookie Baker" by Monica Wellington
We decorated stocking shapes with snow flake stickers for our room.
We made cookies to share with our parents at our holiday party on Friday.
Maple Room-
"We read "The gingerbread girl" by Lisa Campbell Ernst
We baked cookies for our holiday party on Friday.
We used rollers to paint over snowflake shape stencils.
We did letter "I " activities.
Oak Room:
We read "Froggy's Best Christmas" by Jonathan London
We made Christmas trees for our windows using snowman and snowflake stampers on wax paper. Then we added a tree shape cut out over the top.
We are working on learning the letter M this week.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, December 9, 2011
We had pancakes today and everyone had more then one serving. We also had fruit, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, and pineapple.
We read "The cookie store cat" by Cynthia Rylant
We glue wrapping paper pieces to present shapes for art.
We played Bingo Bear's Bingo in small groups today.
We did Head, shoulders, hips, knees and toes and Face the facts for music
We played in the gym.
Willow Room:
We read "If you give a cat a cup cake" by Laura Numeroff
We had a cup cake shape made out of large paper. On the bottom the teacher drew lines to make it look like a cupcake wrapper. On the top we "frosted" our cupcake with a mixture of glue and shaving cream and sprinkled it with colorful paper squares to look like sprinkles. Adorable! We will post a picture soon.
We made airplanes with our bristle blocks and we worked as a group on a large floor puzzle.
Maple Room:
We read "Gingerbread Friends" by Jan Brett
We scrunched up tissue paper and dipped it in glue; then we put them n tree shapes to look like ornaments.
We had rollers with paint and plastic grids at the easel. We painted over the grid to see the design.
We sang The December song, SANTA, Pass the Santa and our holiday songs for our program. we did a Christmas cookie rhyme.
We did the letter H on dry erase boards,
We made snow by adding water to a powder mixture. The kids liked playing with it in our sensory table, but it was very messy....we like ot bring in real snow better.
Oak Room:
We read "Snow bears" by Martin Waddell
We made cards for our holiday gifts for our parents. We used cookie cutters dipped in paint and pressed onto paper.
We did the reindeer pokey
We talked about words that start with the letter L
We had scooters in the gym.
Snowman and Christmas bulletin board at Trinity Preschool

We used fun foam shapes that the children added pom poms, glitter paint and sequins to make them sparkle. They added a hat and we added a picture of the child for the snowman face. A fun keepsake.
The children painted paper plates green and scrunched up tissue paper to look like ornaments. We combined them to make a tree shape. We hung their ornaments on the tree.
We added the ornaments to our snowman bulletin board.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, December 8, 2011
The gingerbread boy story was our book today.
We painted gingerbread boy shapes with puffy paint ( a mixture of shaving cream and glue) with a little liquid water colors mixed in to tint it to look like pastel frosting.
We had holiday stickers at free art.
We are practicing our holiday songs- they sound great!
We are enjoying the dramatic corner as a bakery and the peppermint playdough.
Maple Room:
We read The amazing Christmas Extravaganza" by David Shannon
We had paper shaped like ornaments and we glued on various items to decorate them.
We sang songs the children picked to sing today.
We played a learning game "Find the number" and "Where is the rainbow? " A memory guessing game.
Oak Room:
We read "A city Christmas tree" by Rebecca Bond
We cut out a bell shape and painted it with glitter colors. They are in the hall on a string like a string of garland.
We did a song called "Christmas ornaments" a felt board rhyme. We did the ABC sounds song with flash cards, and we sang our holiday songs for our program.
We did a graph of the answers to "Does your name have the letter L in it?
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Ginger Bread House- Maple room project

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, December 7, 2011
We made our own individual pretzels and we ate them hot out of the oven. YUM!
Willow Room: MWF class
We asked the children if they have seen a gingerbread boy? We read a story about the Gingerbread Boy
We used puffy paint ( a flour and salt mixture) to "frost" our gingerbread boys. We had holiday stampers at free art.
We practiced our holiday songs.
Maple Room:
We read "The gingerbread boy" by Paul Galdone
We used potato mashers with glitter paint and we put a tree shape frame over our painting.
We sang "SANTA", 5 little trees, and practiced our holiday songs.
We did letter H activities, we played a guessing game with the letters - we put 4 letters on a board and take one away and the children take turns guessing which letter is missing.
We decorated a gingerbread house made of cardboard- it is delicious looking.
We are growing a gingerbread man in water. It starts out small and grows bigger each day. We will measure it and see how big he gets!
Oak Room:
We read "Frosty the snowman"
We worked in our journals on L pictures
We have new white playdough with glitter in it.
We used wood beads and followed sequencing patterns.
We sang "If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops" and we did the bean bag alphabet rag for music today.
We read an "L book. We did a light experiment- we put stencils on construction paper and left them in the sun- we will get sun prints.
Holiday Volunteer Opportunity
Now it is time to help pack things up! They will be packing toys and food boxes, Tues. Dec. 13, and Wed. Dec. 14. from 9 am to 8 pm. Any amount of time is appreciated.
If you would like to help, please see Mary in the preschool office or email me at the school email. Thank you to everyone who has brought in items.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011
We read "Snowmen at night" by Caralyn Buehner
We made wrapping paper using glitter paint and stampers.
We practiced our songs for our holiday program on the 15th.
We made Christmas trees using corks and glitter paint.
Oak Room:
"Arthur's Perfect Christmas" by Marc Brown was our story today.
We made stockings for our fireplace; they used foam letters to write their names and added snowflakes.
We did a guessing game with the mystery bag.
Our dinosaur grew so so so big last night! We were amazed.
We practiced our songs for our holiday program.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, December 5, 2011
Stay & Play:
we read "Only one neighborhood" by Marc Harshman and Barbara Garrison
We used funny mitts on our hands that had yarn and other materials on them for texture to paint pictures today. We sang
Hi, My name is Joe, and Get ready, Get set, Let's dance for music today.
Willow Room
We read "Mooseltoe" by Margie Palatini
We pained with glitter paint and regular paint using cookie cutters as our stamper to make a holiday picture. We had stencils and glitter paint at the easels.
We are practicing our holiday songs.
Maple Room:
We read "The gingerbread Man" by Karen Schmidt
We made gingerbread people and a special large gingerbread man out of cinnamon and applesauce. We had ginger bread shapes at the easel.
We had 10 paper gingerbread men that we hid around the room and had fun finding them all.
We also went to the oven to get our large gingerbread man out and he was gone! We had to follow clues all around the building- to search for him and finally found him back in our room! The children found this so exciting!
We are learning about the letter H this week.
Oak Room:
We read Arthur's Christmas by Marc Brown
and Ten Naughty Little Monkeys by Suzanne Williams
We worked on our ornaments to hang on our bulletin board. They are fun foam snowman shapes, and we added hats, pom poms for buttons, scarves, glitter glue with sequins and we added the children's picture as the snowman's face.
We measured out dinosaur to see if it got bigger- it did!
We are learning about the letter "L".
Friday, December 2, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, December 2, 2011
We played some games, and did a big puzzle.
Willow Room: MWF
A Merry Bunny Christmas by Rosemary Wells was our story today.
We used corks to make colorful ornaments on green Christmas tree shapes.
We practiced our holiday songs
Maple Room:
We read "Bunny Cakes" by Rosemary Wells
We did snowflake stampers on tissue paper to make wrapping paper for our ornaments.
We had candy cane shapes with red and green glitter paint at the easel.
We practiced our holiday songs
We did letter G this week and today we practiced writing the letter G on dry erase boards.
Oak Room:
We read "Gingerbread Pirates" by Kristin Kladstrup
We painted on foil and then made a print of our creation.
We had green glitter paint with tree stencils at the easel.
We played with bread dough, and we sorted buttons by color
We had a rhyming game we each had a word and had to find our partner with the correct rhyming word.
We asked what words start with the letter K.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, December 1, 2011
We played outside today- the weather it right at that border where it will be warm enough some days and too cold on others, but if we can get out for a few minutes, we plan to. Please remember coats, hat,s mittens, and scarves. We do not go out if there is snow on the ground so no need for snow pants.
Willow Room:
We read "The mitten" by Jan Brett This is a great story- read it with your child sometime.
We asked the children "Did you wear your mittens today?"
We worked on our ornaments today.
We also practiced our holiday songs for our Christmas program.
We are having a great time in our bakery shop and with our peppermint pink play dough.
Maple Room:
We read "Froggy bakes a cake" by Jonathan London
We mixed a special dough up and cut out cookie shapes for our bakery. We baked them and will decorate them later.
We practiced our holiday songs today.
Oak Room:
We read "Gingerbread Baby" by Jan Brett
We decorated Gingerbread boy shapes using a glue/shaving cream mixture with looks like puffy paint when it dries. We added rick rack, lace and buttons. The children used plastic knives to "frost" their ginger bread men.
We had out lacing cards, and a magnetic community maze.
We had real pine needles at the easel to use as brushes for our painting.
We did a 5 little gingerbread rhyme and we practiced our holiday songs.
We asked the children if their name has a letter "K" in it?
We mixed up yeast bread dough to use at the playdough table.
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, November 30, 2011
We read "All for Pie, Pie for all" by David Martin
We did a group painting project that we will finish on Friday. We used roller brushes, and design stampers.
We did 5 little cookies, I like my hat- with bean bags, a fast version of Head shoulders, knees and toes.
We played some board games in a small group, we did shape matching activities too.
Willow Room:
We read "Honey Cookies" by Meredith Hooper
We made a very special ornament today.
We practiced our Holiday songs for our program.
We had magnets at the easel.
Maple Room:
We read "The little Red Hen" by Paul Galdone
We worked on our ornaments today.
We had doughnut shapes with pastel paint at the easel, After the children painted them, we added paper sprinkles.
We practiced our holiday songs.
We did letter G activities and we compared our story today with one written by another author.
Oak Room:
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Willow Room: T/TH class
We have our dramatic corner set up as a bakery. The children are loving it!
See our facebook page for pictures of some of our bakery props.
We asked the children: Have you visited a bakery?
We read: "Baker, Baker, Cookie Maker," by Linda Hayward
We are working on our Holiday gifts we are making for our parents, so it is a surprise.
We painted candy canes at the easel to decorate our room.
We are busy learning songs to sing for our parents at our Holiday party.
We have peppermint scented playdough in our room and ribbons and bows in our sensory table.
Oak room:
We read "Froggy bakes a cake" by Jonathan London
We painted on white paper with blue glitter paint. We will cut them into snowflakes to decorate our room.
We practiced the holiday songs we will sing for our Holiday party.
We did the mystery bag filled with items that start with the letter K
Monday, November 28, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, November 28, 2011
Stay & Play:
We read a story called "Wednesday is spaghetti day"- but we changed it to Monday since we had spaghetti today.
We used sparkly paint today.
We sang "Ready set, move" and "Opposites song"
We played a game called "Colorama- a color and shape game.
All of our classroom have "bakery" set up for the dramatic play area. We have many homemade props, cookie sheets, muffin tins, spatulas and we will be making more props with the children also. Each of the children has their own baker hat.
I will do a separate BLOG entry for all of our bakery ideas.
Willow Room- MWF class
We asked the children if they have ever been to a bakery?
We read "Baker, Baker, Cookie Maker" by Linda Hayward
We worked on our Holiday gifts for our parents today so it is a surprise, can't tell you what we made. We had watercolors at the easel.
We will be practicing the Holiday songs we will sing for our parents at our Holiday program in December.
Maple Room:
We read "Bruno the baker" by Lars Klinting
We did marble painting- you put marbles in paint, then roll them back and forth in a box on top of paper.
We had roller brushes with textured stampers at the easel.
We sang the November song, and we started singing our songs for our Holiday program in December.
We are working on the letter G this week. We made Rudolf out of craft sticks.
Oak Room- pre- k class
We read "THe little red hen" by Paul Galdone
We painted plates green and added tissue paper we scrunched up to look like Christmas lights. We will put them all together to make a tree shape on our bulletin board.
We also practiced our Holiday songs.
We are talking about the letter K.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
NO SCHOOL week of Nov. 21, 2011
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, November 18, 2011
Stay & Play: We had bananas, friendship mix, corn muffins and apple cider for snack today.
Willow Room:
Today our story was "The best Thanksgiving ever" by Teddy Slater
We did some turkey rhymes
We made corn muffins to eat with our snack today.
We painted with tempra paint for art today and at the easel we painted candy cane shapes so we can decorate our room.
We did the turkey hop, and little fish for music time.
This is our last day of our farm, we will set up a bakery for December.
The Maple room and Oak room kids join together for activities today, they did outside time together, music as a big group, and they join together for our Thanksgiving feast. The children in the Oak room dress as Pilgrims, and the Children in the Oak room dress as Indians. We put one big long table with everyone at it and share our friendship mix and corn muffins. The children also made butter out of whipping cream. We had apple cider.
Maple Room:
We read Arthur's Thanksgiving" by Marc Brown
We baked corn muffins for our Thanksgiving feast today.
We had dab a dot painters at the easel.
Oak Room:
We read "Clifford's Thanksgiving visit" by Norman Bridwell
We drew pictures on paper and we cut the edges for fringe. We used them as place mats at our feast today.
We had magnetic activities out, Mr. potato head, and alphabet bead stringing.
See above about our Thanksgiving feast with the Maple room.
Painting, then making a print in preschool

Sorry- the pictures popped up in random order.

Right before putting the paper on to make a print.
They used a feather to make a design in the paint after they used the rollers to move the paint around on the tray.
Some children used the feather end, some used the pointy end.
After squirting paint on the tray the children used rollers to mix the paint colors.
Pulling the paper up to reveal the print.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, November 17, 2011
Also, we are collecting toys and food for Holiday baskets for the local Salvation Army church to distribute to local families in need. There is a basket in the entrance hall to put new items in; we will get them to their office for distribution. Thank you in advance for helping others!
Willow Room- T/TH class:
We did a prop story: "There was an old lady who swallowed a pie" and we asked the children "Do you like pie?"
We did a turkey rhyme too.
We glued pictures of food onto paper plates. We had shapes at the easel.
We did a group color game with paper turkey feathers, and we did the "Turkey Hop"
We have feeder corn in our sensory table.
We made corn muffins and ate them with our snack today. We also made homemade butter (shake heavy whipping cream in a baby food jar until it separates into butter and liquid)
We will be changing over our dramatic corner into a bakery after Thanksgiving.
Maple Room:
We read "Thanksgiving Mice" by Bethany Roberts
We used sugar water to dip chalk and draw onto paper.
We did Kid Picks music- October song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Nov. song, Head and Shoulders, Wheels on the Bus, and Sticky Bubble Gum
We played a number recognition game today.
Oak Room:
We read "Arthur's Thanksgiving" by Marc Brown
We glued feathers into pine cones to look like a turkey.
We had out a wooden pizza puzzle, bristle blocks, and an in our community magnetic maze
We asked the children if they have a letter J in their name?
We did wiggle wiggy wiggles, and sally the swinging snack using ribbons as we moved.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Stay & Play:
We had a power outage today right when we were making lunch, so we only got a few of the grilled cheese sandwiches made, so we had those and some cold cheese sandwiches. We also had tomato soup.
We read Moo Cow Kaboom by Thacher Hurd
We used fall stamper shapes and glitter paint for our art project.
We played a honey pots memory game, we did a turkey rhyme, sang the BINGO song, and did some bean bag activities.
Willow Room: MWF class
We did the story There was an old lady who swallowed a pie.
We asked the children what kind of pie they like?
We did a gluing activity of gluing pictures on paper dinner plates.
We had magnetic letters at the easel.
We danced with feathers
Maple Room:
We read "Franklin's Thanksgiving" by Paulette Bourgeois
We did a painting project today where the children put paint on trays, then they rolled design rolling pins on the paint. After that, they drew designs with feathers and pressed a paper on top to make a print.
We used rollers and paintbrushes at the easel.
We did the November song, Shake your sillies out, Row, row, row, your boat, wheels on the bus, Play int he band and old MC Donald had a band ( using shakers, bells, and rhythm sticks, and Herman the Worm.
We did letter F activities and played a shape game.
Oak Room
We read "Franklin's Thanksgiving" by Paulette Bourgeois and the letter J book
We worked in our journals drawing J pictures.
At the easel we glued feathers on turkey shapes.
We have new magnetic dress up figures, an animal sorting activity, and a shadow match puzzle (which object's shadow is this)
We did a turkey feather's song, (each child puts a colored feather ont he turkey)
5 elephants finger play
Tap your toes and follow me
We did an experiment today with magnets, we talked about opposite forces, what do magnets stick to? What won't they stick to? Then we had out magnetic activities at the table and the children also took the magnets around the room to see what they would stick to.
Trinity Preschool November newsletter Vol 2
Please help……..
We have a child in our school whose parents serve as Pastors of the Des Plaines Salvation Army Church on Dempster St. The Salvation Army does so many good things to help local families and the need this year is greater than ever- they are planning to distribute food and toys to 650 local families in need.
I would like to ask the Trinity Preschool families to help with this. Many families look for places to donate toys/food/coats during the holiday season and you don’t always know if it gets to those in need or you feel a lack of connection. If you can help, this is an excellent place to do so. They are seeking donations of new toys, coats for children and some food items too. I think it is wonderful to have your child help pick a new toy to give.
I will put a box to collect items or you can take them directly to the Salvation Army church on Dempster too. They need all items by Dec. 12th as they will be distributing them on the 17th. They will also be appreciative of any help that can be given to help pack the boxes. I will post the packing dates when I get that information.
I will put a copy of the list of suggested items on top of the cubbies, so you can grab a copy and have it when you are shopping.
So far, this is the list they have given me:
As you will see, the requests are not outlandish or extravagant, just basics. New items only please.
Requested items from Shannon Martinez of the Des Plaines Salvation Army
We need toys for all ages but specifically I would request possibly:
- Toddler Books, puzzles
- Educational Toys and games for all ages
- Lego sets
- Action Figures
- Remote control cars
- Barbie Dolls/Baby Dolls
- Doll clothes and accessories
- Winter coats - sizes baby-12/14 youth
Food list to come- but any non- perishable to make a holiday meal will be appreciated.
Important dates:
Monday, Nov. 21- Parent Conferences for Pre-K class and MWF classes. (No regular class this day)
Tuesday, Nov. 22- Friday, Nov. 25: No Classes- Thanksgiving Break
Conferences for our T/Th Terrific 2’s and 3’s will be in the spring.
Planning ahead: HOLIDAY PROGRAMS- Kids come at 9:15
Thur., Dec. 15: Terrific 2’s and 3’s (parents come at 11:00 a.m.)
Fri., Dec. 16: Pre-K and MWF classes (parents come at 10:45 a.m.)
Winter Break: Monday, Dec. 19- Monday, Jan. 2- NO SCHOOL
Classes resume: TUESDAY, January 3, 2011
Trinity Preschool Silent Auction fundraiser: Sunday, February 26, 2012
Email Notices: Do you want the news fast? Sign up to receive the newsletters via email- just send me an email to, put "newsletters" in the subject line and your child’s name in the body of the email.
Registering for 2011-2012
Please let me know your plans for 2012 -2013 school year so I can save a spot for your child!
We play outside if the weather is dry and above 40 degrees. Please remember to send in jackets, hats, etc. as needed.
Stay & Play
If you want some extra time in December and would like to join Stay & play for the month, let me know so I can plan accordingly. Your child can come occasionally, or one, two or three days a week.
Early Drop off:
We are open for early drop off at 8:30 a.m. or later. See Mary for fees.
HELP!!!!!! Where are all of our BOOKS? Please remember to borrow a book, read it and return it. We had over 150 books at the start of the year and now some days there are NONE on the shelf. Each year I lose a lot of books and I want to keep making them available, but will not be able to continue offering the lending library if I have to keep replacing books.
School closing for Bad Weather
We follow School District 59 for school closings due to weather. If they are closed, we are for sure closed. We have a link on our website to their closing information.
You can always call our school too-
847-357-1513….. if we are closed it will be on our answering machine message.
Scholastic Books
The scholastic book orders are due Nov. 28. Books will be here about a week later. Books make great gifts!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Willow Room- t/th class
We read "Farm Flu" by Teresa Bateman
We have a stuffed pretend chicken in our farm and she was laying on eggs in a nest and they hatched!
We glued feathers onto a chicken shape paper.
We played with the muddy pigs (cornstarch mixture)
We did "Movin everyday", "put your finger on" and "Tommy Thumb" for music today.
Oak Room:
We read "Run, turkey, run" by Diane Mayr and " Turkey Trouble " by Wendi Sivano
We painted with corn on the cob (feed corn)- by rolling it in a box to make a print. We will cut a turkey shape out of the painted paper.
We did "Pass the turkey", "come and buy a pumpkin" and "Today is Monday"
for music today.
We had the mystery bag with items that start with the letter J today.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, November 14, 2011
We had whole grain saltine crackers with cream cheese and fruit today.
We read "Big Dog....Little Dog, a Bedtime story" by PD Eastman
We did mosaic designs for art. We traced stencil shapes and glued on colored squares in the design.
We did a band song, using bells, sticks, and shakers.
We had an animal sorting group activity. We played a listening lotto games, sounds around the house.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "Farm flu" by Teresa Bateman
We asked the children what is the job of each farm animal?
We painted using animal footprint stamper rollers.
We sang "Put your finger on, moving everyday and sticky bubble gum.
We played with the muddy pigs again today ( see picture on facebook)
Maple Room:
"The great turkey race" by Steve Metzger was our story today.
We did place mat weaving today. We had alphabet stampers at the easel.
We did the November song, Turkey feathers, There's a dog in school, and the Pirate song for music time today.
We did some relay races in the gym, different ways to move, and we played Duck, Duck, Goose.
We did letter F activities today.
Oak Room:
We read "One is a feast for mouse" by Judy Cox A thanksgiving Tale
We made our pilgrim "bibs" for our Thanksgiving feast today. They children also painted their hands and made turkey prints on the bibs.
We sang Turkey int he brown straw, come and buy a pumpkin, and late last night.
We played musical chairs for our large motor time since it stated to rain when we were going outside.
We are talking about the letter J this week. The children are enjoying our pizza shop in our dramatic corner.
Trinity Preschool ACtivities for Friday, November 11, 2011
Stay & Play:
We had vegetables and dip, plus bread and jelly for snack today.
We read "More Bears" by Kenn Nesbitt
We painted with little broom shape brushes and glitter paint
We did some action songs- Keep moving, and please pass the peas.
We played in the Oak room's pizza restaurant!
Willow Room:
We read "Thanksgiving is for giving thanks" by Margaret Sutherland
We asked the children "What are you thankful for?"
We practiced cutting skills by working on cutting the feathers for our Thankful turkey
We did "Turkey in the red barn" and "Down on Grandpa's FArm"
We had our muddy pigs- (cornstarch/water/brown paint and plastic pigs)- MESSY FUN!
We have the feeder corn in the sensory table
We have a stuffed animal hen who was laying on eggs- and today they hatched!
Maple Room:
We read "One is a fest for Mouse" by Judy Cox
We used paddle stampers and paint for vests for our Thanksgiving feast.
We sang "The November song, sticky bubble gum, tap your toe and follow me, little fish.
We did some letter E practice on the dry erase boars. We also read the letter "E" book"
Oak room:
We read "The three little wolves and the big bad pig" by Eugene Trivisas ( a variation of the traditional three little pigs story)
We used packing peanuts, pieces of cardboard, and colored glue to make 3 D constructions.
We had out writing boards, letter I puzzle, and we put out some people, and animals to use with our houses we constructed.
We did the turkey hop song, on the count of 5, and pizza time.
Our dramatic play area is now a pizza restaurant.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, November 10, 2011
See our facebook page for pictures of the farm activities and the three little pig activities.
Willow Room- T/TH class
We read "The cow that went Oink" by Bernard Most
We asked the children "What color is your shirt?"
We fingerpainted with chocolate pudding and then we pressed a pig shaped paper onto it to make a muddy pig.
We sang "Hello everybody, yes, indeed", "Please pass the peas", and "turkey hop".
We mixed cornstarch water and brown paint to make "mud" and we added small plastic pigs. Messy and fun!
We have a stuffed animal chicken who is sitting on her nest and laying eggs!
Maple Room:
We read "The thanksgiving Bowl" by Virginia Kroll
We used stampers to paint on our vests we will wear for our Thanksgiving feast next week.
We did kid's picks of songs.
We played a color rhyming game.
Oak Room:
We read "In a people house" by Theo Lesieg and "My lucky day" by Keiko Kasza (a variation of the three little pigs story)
We cut a house shape that opens, we glued magazine pictures to fill the house.
We made another group project for a house of sticks. We also painted the cardboard tube house we made yesterday.
We had ABC magnetic boards out today.
We did some bean bag movement songs- "Take that bean bag" and we did an instrumental train song- we had to balance the bean bag while walking.
We asked the children if their name has a letter "I" in it. We did a rhyming activity where each child had a puzzle piece with a word on it and they had to find their partner with the word that would rhyme with theirs. Hearing the rhyme in words is a great pre-reading skill.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Stay & & Play:
We made our own pizzas in stay & play today and we loved them! We also had pineapple and milk for our snack.
We had a story today about leaves, called "Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert. It has beautiful pictures!
We didn't do an art project, instead the kids made their own individual pizzas for snack.
We did some sing-a-log songs, and used scarves to dance the freeze dance. We also did a song "Let's go fly a kite""
We had some giant building blocks to build with today and we had dry erase boards out with markers so the children could practice writing.
Willow Room: MWF class
We read "The cow that went Oink" by Bernard Most
We asked the children "If you could be an animal, which one would you be?"
We fingerpainted with chocolate pudding- then we stamped a pig shape onto it to make "Muddy Pigs"
We did the turkey hop song, please pass the peas, and Hello everybody, yes indeed.
We combined corn starch and water with some brown paint to make "mud". We added plastic pigs to play "Pigs in the play pen".
Maple Room:
We read "Sometimes its turkey, sometimes its feathers" by Lorna Balian
We used spools to paint with today to make designs on our headbands for our Thanksgiving feast.
We had turkey shapes with glue and feathers at the easel.
We sang "The November song", "Pass the Turkey", "5 little turkeys", and "stomp, stomp, clap".
we did some letter "E" activities and we played a missing letter game with the letters ABCDE
Oak Room;
The children acted out the story of the three little pigs using puppets
We worked in our journals today drawing pictures of words that start with the letter I
We danced to "Late last night", "Take the Bean bag" "Stomp, stomp, clasp" and we used instruments to the songs" Let's play in the bag"- we used bells, shakers, stickers.
Reading the letter "I" book.
Science activity: We spun a color wheel to see all the colors mix together.