Stay and play:
We read "curious George Goes Camping" by Margaret and A H Rey's
We did this old man, a song with props, and an action movement song called last night I had a dream for music time.
We read "the mouse and the apple" by Stephen butler
We did a cutting and tearing project today. We gave the children strips of red paper and they tore them or used scissors to cut them into small pieces. Then they spread red tinted glue onto a small paper plate and put their small pieces all over it. We added an apple leaf to make our own apple art.
We had pot scrubber apple shape sponges at the easel.
We also listened to a book on a cd called apple trouble bt Ragnhikd Scamell
We did the September song, 5 little apples smiling at me, and down at the apple orchard for music time.
Oak room. Pre k class
We read the ear book and are talking about our sense of hearing
We colored paper plates and added streamers and beans to make our own sound shakers. We will use them for some special music today.
We had some puzzles out that make sound, some sound comparison eggs, which sound alike?, and we talked about what words start with the letter c.
We had the soft play dough and small Legos out to build with today.
Willow room. MWF class
We read "Ten Red Apples" by Pat Hutchins
We asked the children "what is your favorite color apple?"
We painted with corks dipped in red, yellow, and green paint, pressed onto a tree shape.
We painted with paint brushes on apple stencils at the easel.
We sang, " if you are happy and you know it" "the way we do it", and the wiggle song, for music time today.