Sunday, October 4, 2015

Read to your child

Read to your child every day. Reading to your child is the best preparation for school readiness.  Choose books that have rich vocabulary and great illustrations. Sit and cuddle while you read, make this your special time together. Focus on your relationship, concentrate on your child for those 10 -20 minutes. 
Children you are read to daily come into school with a bigger vocabulary , better comprehension and more confidence. They are also better listeners.

Let your child see you read as well, whether it is a newspaper, magazine, or even your e reader. Help your child understand that reading opens the door to knowledge. 
Libraries are a wonderful place to take your child to choose books, the librarians can help you find great books on subjects that interest your child too. 

Farm unit, hay in sensory table

We put straw in the sensory table and had the farm animals hidden underneath. The children had a great time exploring the hay and discovering the animals. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Found object painting

These are wheels used for painting.  One is a single wheel with wire through it as a handle. The other one has 2 fixed roller wheels with a metal base.  The children can experiment with how they roll. 

Apple tissue paper art

The children are given a sheet of wax paper, small pieces of tissue paper and glue to create these great apple pictures.  After they are done adding tissue paper, we give them an "apple frame" that has been precut by teachers.  They place it on their picture where they want it and decide if they want the excess trimmed off or left in place.  We use the precut tissue sheets that you can buy in a box. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Great smelling paint project

We added a little water to kool aid to create great smelling paint.  However, it doesn't always make paint with very vibrant colors, so we also added a little liquid water colors to make the colors more vibrant.  We used the paint during our unit on the 5 senses.  We read "nosy Rosie" by Holly Keller and "the Nose Book" by Al Perkins too.

Slant boards help develop fine motor muscles

Using a slanted upright surface helps children develop fine motor muscles to hold pencils correctly. They need to grip it more tightly to use it than if the paper is flat on a table.  Using easels with chalk, dry erase markers, crayons, or markers are all good ways to help develop these muscles.

It also helps to give them short stubby crayons so they need to grip them rather than let them lean on their hands.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Oak room bandaid stories

The children in the oak room head a story about getting a boo boo and needing a bandaid.  They then drew pictures and told a story about a time they got hurt and needed a bandaid.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Maple Room learning about apples

The children in the Maple Room are learning about apples.  Today they read 2 books, "The Apple Pie Tree" and "Tap the Magic Tree" ( one of our favorite books).
They then made their own apple pies that they ate for snack.  

At the easel, they painted using corks dipped in paint  and pressed onto paper cut into a tree shape (to look like apples).

Science in the pre k class

On Wednesday, the oak room, pre k class began a science experiment to show the children what happens when you put a hard boiled egg in a cup of milk and a second egg in a cup of cola.  They will look at them on Thursday to see if they have changed.  

They also read 2 books about feelings, being happy and being sad.  As part of our all about me series, they are discussing feelings.

The children also worked on the letter A today.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Willow room my class people pictures

The Willow room class used buttons, ribbon, beads, fabric and glue to decorate people shapes.
They heard a story about wiggle my fingers and wiggle my toes.  They had a puppy puppet greet the class today.they also got to paint at the easel.

Oak room made self portraits

The oak room pre k class made fun self portraits today.  The children looked in mirrors as they drew the pictures  so they could see what color their eyes are, what clothes they had on, etc. they worked really hard to create great 

Maple room Apple prints

When you print with apples, cut a piece out of each side to create a handle to grip.
They also have started an activity called " manipulative Monday's ", where each Monday, they will have a small group game or special activity at the work table.  Today was number bingo. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The oak room pre k class activities for Wednesday, September 16, 2015

We read if you take a mouse to the movies by Laura Numeroff 

We worked in out journals on letter s words and pictures.

We did an experiment with vinegar and baking soda . When you combine water, vinegar, popcorn and baking soda, the popcorn kernels rise and fall.  They look like they are dancing. 

We enjoyed the beautiful day outside today too.

Trinity preschool Willow room terrific 2's and 3's class

Today was our first day with all of the children here the whole morning.  We read the story " I'll always come back" and we painted.  We played outside on the playground for extra time today.  The children are adjusting really well. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Oak room pre k class September 10

We read if you give a moose a muffin by Laura numeroff and made muffins out of paper snips.  We were able to practice our cutting skills, gluing, and wrote our names on our papers.  We will use them to decorate our room. We discussed what flavor muffin we would like it to be.

We did a fun song called " down around the corner at the muffin shop". Each child gets a "coin" to use to pretend to buy a muffin.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trinity preschool activities for Wednesday, September 9

For the first day of school in the maple room the children were read the book " first day jitters" by Julie Dannebrog. 
They painted and at the easel had crayons.
We talked about our classroom rules, met our new friends, and we took first day pictures.

We had fun with some music and got to play outside on the playground.

The oak room pre k class started school yesterday.  They tore up pieces of red construction paper and glued them onto a paper plate.  This will look like an apple that we will use to decorate our room.
We went to our gym room since it was raining yesterday, but today we got to go to our playground .

Today we read the book, " if you take a mouse to school" by Laura numeroff.  We decorated a large key shape to put on our classroom door.  They dipped prickle balls into sparkly paint and dabbed them on the paper.  

We did a letter graph of the first letters of our names.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, April 9, 2015

Willow Room:

We read "The three little pigs" by David Gordon

We painted using different size cups.  The children dipped the rims of various size cups in paint and pressed the rims onto paper to make all kinds of over lapped circles.

We painted flower shapes using different gears dipped in paint.  We added dowel rods to the gears to make handles.

We did a review of our nursery rhymes.

We did "There is a dog in school", and "Little Fish" for music time today.

We did a 5 little flowers rhyme and we also read Mouse's First Spring by Lauren Thompson

Oak Room:

We read "Pout Pout Fish" by Deborah Diesen

We also read "Starfish" by Edith Thatcher Hurd

The children cut out a star shape, and used puffy paint to paint it to look like a star fish.  They added cheerios to look like the suction cups on the star fish.

We did 5 little fish swimming in the sea and each of the children had props for the song.

We did a rhyming sounds matching activity, the children found there match partner .

Maple Room:

We read Bob and Otto By Robert OBrien and Arthur's April Fool by Marc Brown

We played Uno Attack today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Maple Room:

We read "Clara Caterpillar" by Pamela Duncan Edwards

We painted paper plates a bright color to turn into our classroom caterpillar.

We had water colors at the easel.

We did letter B activities.

We practiced our Mother's Day songs

We did the estimating jar today, How many animal counters do we estimate are in the jar.

We brought in the special ramps with magnets that create different paths and metal that makes musical sounds.

Oak Room:

We read "Fish is fish" by Leo Lionni and "Pigs make me sneeze" by Mo Willems

We worked on numbers in our journals, we did numbers 1-5 today.  The children wrote the number, then wrote the numeral, and made that number of dots on the page.

We did the Freeze dance with jingle bets on
We did Splendid ocean song, and couch potato pokey for music today.

we did our estimating jar using sea shells today.

We had the water table in the room again today.

Willow Room:

We read "The three little pigs" by David Gordon

We reviewed the nursery rhymes we learned and talked about what their favorite nursery rhyme is.

We painted circles using a variety of different size round containers.  The children dipped the top circle of the container into paint and made circles on their paper.

We painted at the easel with gears attached to a dowel rod.

We did There is a dog in school and little fish for music today.

We did a 5 pretty little flowers rhyme.

We had a special visitor today,Samantha came from her classroom to show us pictures of tapping a maple tree, and making maple syrup.  Then we got to taste the fresh maple syrup on some waffles.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Oak Room: Pre - K class

We read "Diary of a worm" by Doreen Cronin and "Let's go for a drive" by Mo Willems

We painted with rubber worms that were taped onto a stick.  The children dipped the worm in paint and then dragged it back and forth across the paper.

We did "When I was a little fish" and "the Whale and the fish" for music today.

We had the water table today with boats and little fish.

Willow Room:

We did the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle" today.  We read the book by Melissa Everett

We painted using a spoon with a mixture of flour, salt, and paint and glue.  We will add the cow and the moon to it. to go with the rhyme.

We did the Hey diddle diddle song/rhyme and show me what you feel, and shadow dances for music today.

We did a rainbow soup rhyme.

Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, April 2, 2015

Oak Room: Pre- K class

We read "Clam I am! All about the beach" by Tish Rabe ( a cat in the hat book about clams)

We made a paper plate fish.  The children cut a small triangle out of the paper plate and it becomes the mouth.  Then they glue the triangle on the other end of the paper plate to become the tail.

Then they glued colored tissue paper onto the fish shape to make a beautiful fish.

We did "Went to the pet store ( a fish rhyme) and Octopus's Garden - we used ribbons to pretend we were the octupus and we pretended to swim to the music, through the garden.

We finished up with the letter Z today and used the dry erase boards to practice writing the letter Z and drawing pictures of things that start with the letter Z.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Trinity preschool activities for Monday, April 6, 2015

Oak room

We read " the tickly octopus" by Ruth Galloway and "There is Baird on your head" by Mo Willems .

We used toilet paper rolls to make octopus. 
We did 5 little fish swimming in the sea, and stomp, stomp, clap for music today.

We did an experiment with various kinds of sponges to see if different kinds of sponges hold more or less water.

Willow room

We read I'm a little teapot by is a Trapani

We used sweetened condensed milk with food color added to. it to paint on toast.
We had a tea party for snack.

We painted rainbows using tempura paint and sponge brushes.

We did I'm a little teapot using the body motions. If you are happy and you know it, and on the count of 5.  We also did the rainbow pokey using rainbow colored ribbons.

We did a rainbow soup rhyme.

We made a chart of words that start with the letter p.

Maple room

We read "Does a kangaroo have a mother too?" by Eric Carle

We worked on our Mother's Day invitations today
We had pink, yellow, green paint at the easel with texture brushes.

We practiced our songs for Mother's Day

We practiced letter B activities today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Oak Room- Pre- K class

We read "Commotion in the Ocean" by GilesAndreae (highlights many sea creatures)
and we read "I am a fish- The life of a clownfish" by D. Stille

We worked in our journal notebooks on the letter Z words and pictures

We painted a clown fish at the easel.

We have our dramatic play area set up as an under the sea adventure.

We did Baby Beluga song and book, and we did "We dove into the ocean" a song about sea creatures using props and action songs.

We did our graph, Does your name have the letter Z in it?

We had the water table with fish sorting.

We did an estimating jar of how many marbles are in Jar A?  We had jar B with 100 marbles in it and so we could use that as a comparison to decided how many were in the Jar A.

Maple Room:

We read "The Berenstain Bears and the big Red Kite" by Stan and Jan Berenstain

We did a cutting project, we cut out kites.
We had watercolors with fingers as paintbrushes.

We did letter F activities and we took the children out in small groups to play a number recognition game.

We did the April song (first day of it), and the Month's song. We also started practicing our songs for Mother's Day.

Willow Room:

We did the rhyme "little Miss Muffet" by Iza Trapani

We asked the children "Do you have the letter P in your name?

We used spoons as our method of painting, the children cold drip paint off the spoon, or use the back of the spoon to spread the paint or make prints with the spoon.

After we did the Little Miss Muffet rhyme today, we had the children act it out.  Some children pretended to be Miss Muffett, and some pretended to be the spider who scared her away.

We did "Little fish, let's go swimming" and "Jump up, turn around" for music today.

The children are enjoying the construction zone we have set up in the dramatic play area,  We have trucks, tracks, tools, construction hats, vests to wear too.

Stay and Play:

We read "Its only Stanley" by Jan Agee

We drew with a white crayon on paper inside a stencil.  Then we painted over it with glitter water colors.

We played with the parachute and a stomp rocket outside today.  It was beautiful outside.

We did Disappearing rabbits- Guess which number rabbit was taken away?

We did 5 black and shiny crows a sing a long rhyme

We used incline tubes with marbles and cars.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, March 30, 2015

Willow Room:

We read "Hey Diddle, Diddle" by Melissa Everett

We painted paper plates using dark blue paint which we added flour, salt and glue to.  The children added stars and a moon shape with a cow jumping over the moon on top of the paint.

We had liquid water colors and thin brushes at the easel.

We did Hey Diddle Diddle rhyme and Kids in Motion music "The body rock, and show me what you feel for music time.

We made our word chart for the letter O

Our dramatic play are is now a construction zone, we have tools, large blocks, trucks.

Oak Room- Pre- K class

We read "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister and we read "My friend is sad" by Mo Willems

We did "The little fish" and "Herman the Worm" for music time

We are beginning out under the sea unit.  We had water play in the room.

The children cut out fish shapes and painted them with water colors.  We will use them for our bulletin board.

Maple Room:

We read "The most beautiful kite int he world" by Andrea Spalding

We used these fun, flip flop type painters that have designs on the bottom to create colorful designs on white paper.

We did letter F activities

We did the March song, and Little fish for music today.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Tuesday, March 18, 2015

Oak Room

We read "Froggy plays soccer" by Jonathan London and I know soccer by Joanne Mattern
We also read I am going by Mo Willems

The children painted by placing a ping pong ball dipped in pain inside a large plastic clear jug with paper in it.  Then they rolled the jug back and forth across the table to a partner.

We did 5 little shamrocks, and silly sally for music time today.

We compared a rubber ball and a frozen rubber ball to see how they bounced and if it was different.

Willow Room: Terrific 2's and 3's class

We read "Brown Rabbit's Shape Book by Alan Baker

We also read "The luckiest St. Patrick's Day Ever by Teddy Slater

We used number stampers and black paint to paint on a clock shape.  This was for our Hickory Dickory Dock rhyme.

We painted bear shapes brown at the easel.  We made the paint brown by mixing cocoa into white paint.

We did the hickory dickory dock rhyme, brown bear, and a leprechaun rhyme to the tune of Teddy Bear, Teddy bear

Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, March 20, 2015

Maple Room:

We read Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle.  We also read The foolish tortoise by Eric Carle

We made pancakes from scratch and ate them for snack.

We had circle shapes at the easel with paint and small circles of blue and brown paper to add for blueberries and for chocolate chips.
We had water and tubes in the sensory table.

We did letter L activities

We did the March song, and played Pass the pancake on a spatula at music today.

Oak Room: Pre- K class

We read Franklin plays soccer by Paulette Bourgeois

We did a group painting project with a huge box.  We put paper int he bottom, then added golf balls dipped in paint.  The children had to raise and lower the ends of the box to make the balls move around to add paint to the paper.

We had a foot ball shape paper at the easel with brown puffy paint.

We did a graph of "What is your favorite sport?
We thought of words that start with the letter Y and we practiced writing the letter Y and words that start with Y on our writing boards.

We did Underneath the broomstick, and Two little blackbirds for music

Willow Room- MWF class

We read Mary Had a little lamb By Iza Tranpani

We did a graph of who had the letter O in their name.

We glued cotton balls onto lamb shape paper.

We had dry erase markers at the easel with stencils.

We made pizza today and ate it for snack.

We read Pizza that we made by Jane Holub

We did Mary had a little lamb, Sleeping bag chant, and the cool bear hunt for music time.

We had a large box shaped like a rocket ship in our room to play with.

Stay and play. 
The children played a game with a spinner and counters.  They had to fill their game board by rolling the exact number to complete the board.

Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, March 19, 2015

Maple Room- Thursday class

We read Franklin rides a bike

We practiced writing our March words and we worked with the 3 little pigs STEM learning kit.  The children had to plan out a house they would build using the materials provided, then they had to follow their plan to build the house and it had to withstand the wolf blowing it down.

Willow Room:

we read "Mary Had a Little Lamb By Iza Trapani

We made lambs, by gluing cotton balls onto a lamb shape paper.

We had contact paper and yarn at the easel, the children put little pieces of yarn onto the paper and it stuck.

We did Mary had a little lamb, list of dances, Alphabet zoo, and Your face will surely show it for music today.

We made real pizza and ate it for snack.  We also read the book The pizza that we made by Jane Holub

We did 2 kite rhymes about 5 color kites.

Oak Room: Pre- K class

We read "The Great Fuzz Frenzy" by Janet Stevens ( a tennis ball adventure) and Happy Pig Day by Mo Willems ( an Elephant and Piggie story)

We dipped tennis balls in paint and rolled them on paper in boxes.

We had tennis ball paper at the easel with yellow paint.

We did "I can dance" and "Here's a little bird" rhyme for music time.

We listened to the sound balls made when they bounced.  We guessed which ball it was just by the sound.

We rolled tennis balls down tubes.

We had clear plastic tubes and magnets at the magnet board with plastic balls and the children could configure the tubes in various ways to make the balls travel thorough them.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Willow Room: MWF class

We read "Mix it up." by Herve Tullet

We glued numbers and a mouse shape onto a clock shape for the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock".  We had magnetic gears and dry erase markers at the easel.

We did the Hickory Dickory Dock Rhyme and Book

We made a chart of words that begin with the letter N

We did Brown Bear, Brown Bear, animal action and the hickory Dickory Dock rhyme for music today.

Oak Room:

We are doing all kinds of fun activities this week with Balls.

We read "Berenstain Bears go out for hte team" by Stan and Jan Berenstain

We also read an elephant and piggie book by Mo Willems

We worked on our letter journals on the letter Y words and pictures.

We had a basketball shape paper at the easel and the children painted it.

We looked at what is inside a ball?  We also did an estimating activity. where we put marbles, pom poms and ping pong balls in the same kind of container.  The children were asked which container they thought had 100 in it. We did a tally on a sheet of paper.

We did "Wiggy, Wiggy, Wiggles and Snake with ribbons for music today.

Maple Room:

We read "Hello, Red Fox" by Eric Carle

We had the children make thier own paint colors by using powder paint and water.  They cleaned their paint brush off with water in between colors.  We talked about complimentary colors, primary colors, secondary colors.

We had paper and crayons at the easel.

We did letter L activities and and we played a letter sounds Bingo game.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Monday, March 16, 2015

Oak Room- Pre- k class

We read "Froggy Plays T-ball" by Jonathan London and we read "Watch me throw the ball" by Mo Willems

We painted with a tennis ball cut in half and dipped in paint on the cut rim.  We put a popscicle stick as a handle.

We are doing all kinds of activities with balls this week.  Today, we rolled various kinds of balls 2 at a time down a ramp to see which one when faster.
We did Bean bag boogie, and Hands are for clapping for music time today.

Maple Room:  MWF class

We read "The night before St. Patricks' Day by Natasha Wing and The Very Quiet Cricket" by Eric Carle

We did bubble wrap painting, We used the colors of the rainbow to paint the bubble wrap and then pressed paper on it to make a print.

We had shamrock shape paper at the easel with green dab a dot painters.

We did the March song and  5 little shamrocks for music today.

We went on a rainbow leprechaun hunt today.  We walked around the building following clues to look for the colors of the rainbow to see if we could find the leprechaun.  When we got back to our room we found the leprechaun had been in there and he made a mess.  He left us some funny "rocks" that we put into vinegar and they dissolved to reveal a coin.

We did letter L activities.

We covered some boxes with decorations and left them as a trap to see if we could catch a leprechaun.

Willow Room:

We read "The luckiest St. Patrick's Day Ever" by Teddy Slater.

We painted paper that was shaped like pots of gold by dipping corks in glitter yellow paint and pressing them onto the paper.
At the easel we painted shamrock stencils with green glitter paint.

We did the Leprechaun song ( to the tune of Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear)
We did Late last night and Every body has a face also for music time.

We looked at objects that start with the letter N.  We did a rhyme called "Pat the shamrock"  (who changes colors) and the children looked around the room to find hidden gold coins.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Friday, February 13, 2015

Willow Room

We read "The giant hug" by Sandra Horning

We are talking about the letter H and asked the children today if they have the letter H in their name.  They look at their names and then add it to the yes column or the no column.
We also looked at items that begin with the letter H.

We decorated Valentine's wreaths by decorating a paper plate (with the middle cut out ) with fun foam shapes and stickers.

We had Hershey kiss shape paper at the easel with wire egg whisks as our paint tools.

We played "Pass the Valentine" ( like hot potato, but with a Valentine shape), we did the Heart Freeze Dance and Hearts on the move for music today.

We did a 5 little Valentines Rhyme ( to the tune of 5 little ducks went out to play)

We passed our Valentines out to each other today too.

Maple Room:

We read "Franklin's Valentine" by Paulette Bourgeois

We baked Valentine Cookies

We had roller brushes with pink, purple and white paint.

We played Pass the Heart ( like Hot Potato but with a heart shape)

We did our Valentine exchange today.

Oak Room:

We read Library Mouse- Home sweet Home" by D. Kirk and My First Valentine's Day book" by Marian Bennett

We had watercolor pencils at the easel.

We drew pictures with oil pastels at the art table.

We passed out our Valentine's to our friends today.

We played Pass the heart (like hot potato) for music time
We did some Valentine's rhymes

We did our dry erase boards with the letter T words and pictures

Stay and Play:

We listened to a story on a CD, called the "Ice Cream king" by Steve Metzger

We used paint that was put into popscicle holders and paint brushes were taped to the popscicle sticks.  We painted on an ice cream shape paper.

We did "Rhythms on parade"- we marched around the room using rhythm sticks. and we did "Sammy".

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Willow Room:

We have a post office set up in our dramatic play area and have fun being the postal workers and the customers.

Today we read "Never Mail an Elephant" by Mike Thaler

We asked the children if they have the letter F in their name? Our letter this week is the letter F.

We fingerpainted on bubble wrap with red and white finger paint.  They turned into the color pink.

We painted on a fish shape with rollers that have wavy lines on them.

We did "Can you leap like a frog?", "Five fish swimming in the sea", and "Little fish, let's go swimming"

We did a 5 little letters rhyme, and we looked at objects that start with the letter F. We thought of words that start with the letter too.

Maple room:

We read "Tortoise brings the mail" by Dee Lillegard

We used Dab a doo painters to make a negative image.  We gave the children paper that had a heart shape placed on top.  The children used dab a dot painters to cover the paper.  It created a heart shape design and  then when you remove the heart paper, it makes a negative heart shape image.

We had heart shapes with tissue and glue at the easel.

We did letter R activities.

We did The February Song, Snowman Pokey, and 5 little hearts for music today.

We had pink, red and purple objects and gems in the sensory table with water for they children to explore.

Our dramatic corner is set up as a post office.  The children are enjoying playing postal worker and customer.

Oak Room: Pre- K class

We read "I.Q. goes to the library" by Mary Ann Fraser and "Seal's Silly Sandwich" by Dorothy Sklar

Our letter this week is S and we drew pictures and wrote words in our journal that begin with the letter S.

 Our sensory table has pinto beans with valentine hearts, scoops and cups.

We are starting to do an estimating jar each Wednesday and today was alphabet blocks.  This activity helps children learn to look at something and make a "rough estimate" of how much is in there.  They usually start out with huge number guesses, and as the weeks go by, they will get closer in their estimates.

We did Bean Bag boogie, and the letter sounds song for music time.

Stay and Play:

We read "Owl Moon" by Jane Yolan today.

We made a paper plate heart, we gave the children a paper plate with a heart cut out of the middle.  The children were given tissue paper and colored glue and could either scrunch the tissue paper up or glue it on flat.

We did Brown Bear, Brown Bear, White snowman and Stomp, stomp clap for music today.

Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, February 6, 2015

Maple Room- Thursday class

We read "Giraffes can't dance" by Giles Andreae

We practiced our names, and also February words.
We did a math game

We did a game where the children pulled a card out of a bag and said whether it was an alphabet letter or a word.   Ex:  pull a card out with "D" on is a letter.  or a card with "Dog" on it, it is a word.

Oak Room: Pre-k class

We read "Our library" by Eve Bunting

We dripped paint on paper that was on a slant board using pipettes to drip various colors of paint.  The children had to manage getting the paint up into the pipette and then holding it on on the right angle to get it to drip down the paper as they squeezed it.

We did the song "Colors' by Hap Palmer, the children were each holding a color and they had to follow the song as to whether to sit or stand when that color was called.

We also did Letters on the bus to the tune of wheels on the bus.  The letter on the bus goes ...

We did a small group activity where the children sorted alphabet letters by various attributes, letters with a curve, letters with only straight lines, lower case letters, upper case letters.

We did our letter chart for S, Does your name have the letter S in it?

Willow Room:

We read "Little Mouse's Big Valentine by Thacher Hurd

we talked about gong to a post office.  We have a post office set up in our classroom.

We fingerpainted with red and white paint on bubble wrap to make pink.  Then we made a print of our painting.  We used X and O stampers to decorate a heart shape ( symbols often used for Hugs and Kisses)

We did a shape rhyme and we did a 5 little letters felt rhyme activity.

We did :ittle Fish, Can you leap like a frog? and Five fish swimming in the sea for music today.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Trinity Preschool activities for Friday, Jan. 30, 2015


Today we read The Magic School Bus Sleeps for the Winter

For art today we used shaving cream and glue which we mixed together and used to create a snowman.  The children then added beads, buttons and stick to their snowman.

For music we sang, "Take That Bean Bag", and then did a train instrumental where we balanced a beanbag while walking around the room.

We used writing boards at group time and practiced Rr words using pictures.

Willow Room 

We read Snow by Roy McKee and P.D. Eastman 

We painted with "snowballs", knee hi nylons filled with rice, dipped in White glitter paint.  
At the easel we painted with prickly rings dipped in painted and our paper was shaped like a capital letter E.

We did dancing feet, itsy bitsy snowflake -tune of itsy bitsy spider and the cool bear hunt.

We did 5 little snowflakes rhyme.
We looked at objects that begin with the letter e.

Maple room:

We read "the hat" by Jan Brett

We painted on shelf liner with blue and purple glitter paint, then we made a print by pressing it onto paper.
We had hat shapes at the easel and painted them using textured block painter pads.

We did letter h activities

We did the January song, and little fish for music.

We transformed our dramatic play area into a post office, the children helped us set it up today.

Stay and play:

We read "danny's first snow," by Leonie Gore

We dripped water colors onto a plastic grid placed on paper.  Then we removed the grid.

We did an opposites puzzle match, find your opposites partner.

We did the opposite song, and this is the way we do it , an action song.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Trinity preschool activities for Monday, January 5, 2015

Oak room:

We read " A little bit of winter" by Chris Riddell and "Hibernation" by Tori Kasara
We are starting to talk and learn about hibernation.

The children painted bear shape paper plates brown to look like bear heads.  We added eyes endnotes and will use them to make a bulletin board of beers in a cave.

We did "going on a bear hunt" and "deep blue sea" for music today.

We had Ice blocks and water colors with eye droppers.

Maple room:

We read "polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?" By Bill Martin Jr.

We painted with strings dipped in White paint and painted on dark blue paper.  We will use them to make a classroom book based on the story today.

We had water colors at the easel.
We did letter e activities today.

We started doing estimating today.  This is a math skill where the children make a " guess" on how many items are in the container.  After we do this a few times, they get better at estimating. 

We had water and magnetic fish with magnetic fishing poles at the water table today.  We put a top on the table with holes in it and the children pretended they were Ice fishing.

We did "i can make a snowman", "chubby little snowman", and "freeze dance" for music today.

Willow room: MWF class

We read "the dot" by Peter H Reynolds

We used bright color paint and brushes at the table today for art.

We had stencils and colored pencils at the easel.

We have our dramatic corner set up like a grocery store now with food, shopping carts, cash registers, etc.

We did "teddy bear, teddy bear", " put your finger in the air", and " little fish" for music today.

We did 5 little snowman, rhyme.

Stay and play :

We read "snow day for mouse" by Judy Cox 
We did roll painting.  We gave the children empty tennis ball plastic containers, and stiff brushes with paint.  After they painted the containers, they rolled the container back and forth across the paper to make designs. 

We did "dear old frosty", " come and get a smiley face", and " the freeze dance" for music today.