Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Great smelling paint project
We added a little water to kool aid to create great smelling paint. However, it doesn't always make paint with very vibrant colors, so we also added a little liquid water colors to make the colors more vibrant. We used the paint during our unit on the 5 senses. We read "nosy Rosie" by Holly Keller and "the Nose Book" by Al Perkins too.
Slant boards help develop fine motor muscles
Using a slanted upright surface helps children develop fine motor muscles to hold pencils correctly. They need to grip it more tightly to use it than if the paper is flat on a table. Using easels with chalk, dry erase markers, crayons, or markers are all good ways to help develop these muscles.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Maple room activities and a fun game using Duplo Legos to do math
The link will take you to our Facebook page to see the activities the Maple Room for today, September 28.
Oak room bandaid stories
The children in the oak room head a story about getting a boo boo and needing a bandaid. They then drew pictures and told a story about a time they got hurt and needed a bandaid.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Maple Room learning about apples
The children in the Maple Room are learning about apples. Today they read 2 books, "The Apple Pie Tree" and "Tap the Magic Tree" ( one of our favorite books).
They then made their own apple pies that they ate for snack.
At the easel, they painted using corks dipped in paint and pressed onto paper cut into a tree shape (to look like apples).
Science in the pre k class
On Wednesday, the oak room, pre k class began a science experiment to show the children what happens when you put a hard boiled egg in a cup of milk and a second egg in a cup of cola. They will look at them on Thursday to see if they have changed.
They also read 2 books about feelings, being happy and being sad. As part of our all about me series, they are discussing feelings.
The children also worked on the letter A today.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Willow room my class people pictures
The Willow room class used buttons, ribbon, beads, fabric and glue to decorate people shapes.
Oak room made self portraits
The oak room pre k class made fun self portraits today. The children looked in mirrors as they drew the pictures so they could see what color their eyes are, what clothes they had on, etc. they worked really hard to create great
Maple room Apple prints
When you print with apples, cut a piece out of each side to create a handle to grip.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The oak room pre k class activities for Wednesday, September 16, 2015
We read if you take a mouse to the movies by Laura Numeroff
We worked in out journals on letter s words and pictures.
We did an experiment with vinegar and baking soda . When you combine water, vinegar, popcorn and baking soda, the popcorn kernels rise and fall. They look like they are dancing.
We enjoyed the beautiful day outside today too.
Trinity preschool Willow room terrific 2's and 3's class
Today was our first day with all of the children here the whole morning. We read the story " I'll always come back" and we painted. We played outside on the playground for extra time today. The children are adjusting really well.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Oak room pre k class September 10
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Trinity preschool activities for Wednesday, September 9
For the first day of school in the maple room the children were read the book " first day jitters" by Julie Dannebrog.
They painted and at the easel had crayons.
We talked about our classroom rules, met our new friends, and we took first day pictures.
We had fun with some music and got to play outside on the playground.
The oak room pre k class started school yesterday. They tore up pieces of red construction paper and glued them onto a paper plate. This will look like an apple that we will use to decorate our room.
We went to our gym room since it was raining yesterday, but today we got to go to our playground .
Today we read the book, " if you take a mouse to school" by Laura numeroff. We decorated a large key shape to put on our classroom door. They dipped prickle balls into sparkly paint and dabbed them on the paper.
We did a letter graph of the first letters of our names.